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Updated: 04/13/2024

Monday, February 6, 2023

Cypress Hills, Seven Persons, and Medicine Hat Bigfoot/Sasquatch

Image captured from the Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot (female) video, Bluff Creek, Northern California 1967. Notice the human-looking face.

eXtra-ordinary Cypress Hills Paranormal

Cypress Hills, Seven Persons, Medicine Hat, and Elkwater

Bigfoot/Sasquatch Sightings

This article will discuss Bigfoot/Sasquatch and their presence in the Cypress Hills, Saskatchewan; sightings near and in Seven Persons, Medicine Hat, and Elkwater, Alberta; and an April Fools joke.  A few commonly known facts and anecdotes from experiencers of the Sasquatch People will also be presented in some detail. 

So far, there is no evidence that Sasquatch lives in the Cypress Hills, SW Saskatchewan, or SE Alberta; however, there is physical and anecdotal evidence that Sasquatch may periodically visit these areas, especially the Cypress Hills. 

Experiencers: Hiker/camper and his girlfriend.  Cypress Hills Park, SK

This experience occurred between Thursday, July 12th -15th, 2001, and was posted in BFRO (report #2815) on July 16, 2001. The experiencer was camped in the Pine Hill campsite at the Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park, Saskatchewan. The park is roughly 25 km (15 miles) south of Maple Creek, SK.

There are no bears in the park or on the Canadian prairies. Moose, elk, deer, rancher's cattle, cougars, and coyotes are the only sizable animals around. With the exception of the coyotes, these animals are usually quiet in the evenings. The following report came from The Bigfoot Field Research Organization (BFRO);

July 12th around 11:30 pm sitting around the campfire, heard a series of loud, high-pitched, distinct screeches in the distance. The camper was able to compare and identify what he heard to recorded Bigfoot sounds on Stan Courtney’s Bigfoot Sounds (Stan Courtney - Bigfoot Sounds) website linked to the BFRO website.

July 14th evening, the camper and his girlfriend heard coyotes nearby when suddenly a loud bone-chilling, hair-raising moan-howl that lasted 20 seconds was heard from the south. He surmised whatever it was had huge lungs. The camper’s eyes began to water with tears flowing out. The noise woke up the dogs at the campsite. Everything went quiet including the crickets. The camper was unable to sleep.

July 15th around 8:30 pm, the camper, and his girlfriend went out to investigate the source of the sounds. It was a nice sunny day. They were on Flicker Trail talking and scanning the area with an uneasy feeling of being watched. They wanted to go back but kept going instead. While they were walking he noticed a distinct single large footprint that looked like it was made minutes before they arrived. His shoe size is 8 1/2 (9.8” or 24.6 cm) and the large footprint was estimated at 3 to 5” (7-12 cm) larger. His weight is 175 lbs (79.4 kg) and he was unable to make an indent into the soft pine needle-covered pebbly dirt surface leaving him to believe the footprint was made by someone very heavy, mentioning a Sasquatch. He had his camera with him but the battery was getting low. He did take a video and a couple of photos before his camera gave out. It was getting dark. He looked around for more tracks only to find deer tracks. He felt the Sasquatch may be been stalking deer since the large track was with the deer tracks. Only one large track was found. They left the area quickly going back to camp occasionally looking back to see if they were being followed. The night was unusually quiet with no cricket or coyote sounds except for campers at the site.

A telephone follow-up by BFRO investigator, Stan Courtney with the camper confirmed his BFRO report, the footprint was 12” (35 cm) long and 5” (13 cm) wide with an indentation of 1/2” (12 mm) deep in hard surface. The photos were not exposed correctly and were not developed. The report received a Class B rating meaning it was a first-hand report of a possible Sasquatch in an area with poor lighting and incidents where a clear view of the subject is not possible.

Experiencers: Two boys, a man, two fishermen, a farmer, and ‘An Observer'.  Seven Persons and Medicine Hat, AB

Seven Persons, Alberta is a hamlet approximately 14 miles (22 km) southwest of Medicine Hat, Alberta, and located near Seven Persons Creek. The area is in farmland with wooded valleys. There are no bears in the area or on the Canadian prairies. The following report came from January 16, 2018 entry in The Alberta Sasquatch Organization;

Leonard Edvarson is a local rancher and unofficial Sasquatch investigator for the area and offers these second-hand reports. His first report came from two boys who were walking near Police Point in the fall of 1972. There are two Police Points; Police Point Park in Medicine Hat and Police Point in Cypress Hills, Alberta. It’s more likely Police Point Park for reasons that will become clear later. They spotted what appeared to be a large, upright creature walking not far from them. No one took their story seriously thinking it was made up, after all, boys will be boys.

Then on December 1973, according to Edvarson, a man saw a creature in Seven Persons at 3:00 am. He could see the creature clearly in the bright moonlight and was between 7-8’ (2.1 to 2.4 m) tall and appeared to be missing a forearm or the forearm was doubled up against its chest. The next day tracks were found on the creek near the sighting. The tracks were 15” (38 cm) long and 7” (18 cm) wide with a stride of about 6’ (1.8 m). Shortly after that, two men fishing on the Murray Dam near Seven Persons noticed tracks in the snow. The stride was also 6’ (1.8 m) and the men were debating whether it was safe to continue fishing. Four days before the sighting in Seven Persons, a farmer’s cattle became frightened by something and broke through the corrals.

Around this time, December 1973, Edvarson also received two letters from a man signing the letters ‘An Observer’ with a sketch of what he saw in Kin-kouly (Kin Coulee) in Medicine Hat. In the first letter, the Observer after watching for about four minutes noticed a figure carrying something in its arms. It was about 6’ (1.8 m) or 7’ (2.1 m) tall with an awkward and bent gait. The figure vanished in the small creek and bushes (Seven Persons Creek). In the second letter sent to Edvarson two days later, the Observer clarified what he saw enclosing more sketches. The ‘thing’ was 250’ (76 m) away and going sideways at a very odd gait. It had reddish brownish dark fir, no clothes. It was starting to become dusk when he saw the figure. At first, the Observer thought it was a Halloween ‘spook’, but then he questioned himself when he saw the figure walking into the cold creek which didn’t make sense. He went back several days later to the site in broad daylight and found no tracks, and the part of the creek the figure entered was deep. 

It's unclear when the Observer had his sighting but it appears to have been around late October 1973.

According to Edvarson, the two letters marked the end of the Sasquatch sightings in the area. He left it up to the reader to decide whether these were hoaxes, misidentifications, or a bona fide Sasquatch lurking around.

Experiencers: A boy, his family, and friends. Strathcona Island Park, Medicine Hat, AB

This report was submitted by the experiencer to BFRO (Report # 38116) on Sunday, December 9, 2012.

Strathcona Island Park is located in the NE part of Medicine Hat next to the South Saskatchewan River where the Seven Persons Creek enters the river. Police Point Park is also NE just across the river from Strathcona Island Park where another sighting may have occurred around the same time by the two boys mentioned previously.

The Strathcona Island Park sighting occurred between August 26 and September 2, 1972, when an 8-year-old boy, his family, and friends went swimming and picnicking near the river. It was a sunny day with cumulus clouds. As the group was returning to their fire pit at the picnic site for lunch, the boy raced ahead running along the winding trail to the picnic site when he stopped in his tracks by a foul smell. It was an awful putrid smell similar to a wet dog that had rolled in garbage. A slight rustling about 30’ (9 m) away drew his attention to a massive black back seated by Saskatoon berry bushes. The creature had a conical-shaped head leaning away from the boy which sloped into broad shoulders with no visible neck. The fur was long shaggy and oily. It remained frozen and so did he, nor did it turn around to look or sniff in his direction. He estimated the shoulders were at least 4’ (1.2 m) across. The creature was sitting and he noticed the crack of its buttocks where it sat on the ground and guessed the sitting height of 5-5 1/2’ (1.5+ m). He estimated the weight of around 600 lbs (272+ kg). When it emitted a gargling chattering sound he immediately got a clear message in his mind to run. As he ran the boy could hear the creature stomping through the bush as it was also making its escape. He was the only one in the group who saw and heard the creature.

The boy also made reference to an article he saw later that fall of teenagers who saw a Bigfoot north of Seven Persons in a ravine along the Seven Persons creek.

This sighting was confirmed by BFRO investigator Cori Bowhay who spoke with the gentleman about his childhood experience and given a Class A rating. A Class A rating is a clear first-hand sighting where misinterpretation or misidentification can be ruled out with confidence.

Experiencers: Two fishermen along the Spruce Coulee Reservoir near Elkwater, AB.

The following report #1403 was submitted to BFRO on Saturday, July 18, 1998 by the witness. It also appeared in the Alberta Sasquatch online publication on January 25, 2018. There was no investigative follow-up by BFRO, and the report received a Class A rating.

Elkwater is in the Alberta portion of the Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park and is approximately 34 km (20 miles) south of the Transcanada Highway along Highway 41 (Buffalo Trail). In 1998 two men were fishing at the Spruce Coulee Reservoir located, as the crow flies, 7.4 km (4.6 miles) northeast of Elkwater, and is about a 20-minute drive from Elkwater on an unmarked road. While fishing on shore, a creature came bounding out of the trees and started walking along the shore. The creature then stopped and looked in the direction of the fisherman. The fisherman froze with fear. At this point, making sure he wasn’t seeing things, he called his fishing partner over to confirm what he was seeing is real. Right around this time low clouds rolled in and they lost sight of the creature. Both men ran to their vehicle and quickly left the area. The creature was about 7 or 8' (2.1-2.4 m) tall and was approximately 50-100 yards (46-92 m) from them. They had no idea how much it weighed. The fur colour was reddish brown. No noise was heard before and during the sighting. The area is covered with pine, poplar, and spruce trees. The ground was hard and full of rocks.

Experiencers: Local newspaper readers.  Medicine Hat and area

Medicine Hat is a small progressive attractive modern city in southeast Alberta that also serves southwest Saskatchewan. The South Saskatchewan River flows through the city creating a picturesque valley with steep cliffs. Local people probably still remember a creative report on a Sasquatch sighting from the Cypress Hills in the Medicine Hat News on April 1, 2013. It made front-page news and was convincing enough until page A2 where it was clearly stated the report was an April Fools joke.

The Sasquatch/Bigfoot Characteristics and Experiences                                                                        

The Bigfoot topic is very controversial with a wide range of beliefs from skeptics that can occasionally lead to heated discussions and even personal threats. There are those who believe Sasquatch is a relic giant ape (Gigantopithecus), there are those who believe the entity is more human than primate because of the very human-looking face, and there are those who believe they don’t exist or are simply a mythical creature. Gigantopithecus is an extinct genus of giant gorilla-like ape that lived from approximately 2 million to 350,000 years in southern China and weighed between 200-300 kg (440-660 lbs).  Ape or gorilla bones have never been discovered in North America.

Most of the reliable Bigfoot information available to the public comes from knowledgeable experiencers including reliable observations from hunters and outdoor enthusiasts. There is also solid Bigfoot research paid for by public funding, and research conducted by private institutions and within the military-industrial-complex (MIC). The MIC and private institutions keep their findings confidential with rare exceptions when information gets released to the public. The open publicly funded research is usually debunked by skeptics, fanatics, and even the government and academics who believe Bigfoot don’t exist or consider it an ape. Academics generally don’t want to touch the Bigfoot subject for fear of ridicule and job security, although privately they may admit Bigfoot exists. North American park service personnel also remain quiet about Bigfoot even though they know they exist and roam throughout their forested and wooded parks. The discreditably of Bigfoot continues to be reinforced by hoaxers and charlatans. There are a few extensively studied legitimate Bigfoot images and videos, including the Patterson-Gimlin film, which are continuously being discredited by nay-sayers. From these statements, it’s easy to see why many people, and especially indigenous North Americans keep their sightings and what they know to themselves unless trust has been established.

Wikipedia lists Bigfoot as a cryptid. Cryptids are animals that exist somewhere in the wild but are not recognized by science. They are not recognized by science because they don’t fit into the bucket of academia’s paradigm of ‘normal’. Cryptozoology is the ‘pseudoscience’ of studying cryptids. Many cryptids leave observers completely baffled as to their mysterious appearance and disappearance. Trackers are stumped when footprints suddenly disappear as if the cryptid vanished into thin air. Bigfoot, a humanoid, is no exception.

A stigma Bigfoot needs to overcome is the ape and animal identification when in reality the Native Americans and First Nations call them people, ape man, wild man, or other names implying they are a person. Knowledgeable western experiencers, private researchers, and Russian cryptozoologists will agree with the native North Americans that Sasquatch has more human qualities than apes.

Bigfoot should not be confused with the historical giant humans whose skeletons are found throughout the world. Giant humans are another contentious issue with academia since they don’t exactly fit into Darwin’s evolutionary model of man.

There appear to be several species and subspecies of Bigfoot with different levels of aggression, temperament, evolution, and consciousnesses. According to knowledgeable experiencers, the North American Bigfoot is shy and prefers to avoid human contact. They are known to be helpful.  They are also known to kidnap children and adults. Sometimes children on hiking trails are confronted by a friendly big hairy man (woman) who will offer them berries. Hikers and hunters have felt being watched or followed by someone. Bigfoot is curious remaining in the shadows watching. Their thick dark brown almost black hair colour and stance make a perfect camouflage in the forests. Hair colour can also be more reddish.  Their hair texture is similar to human pubic hairs, 3-5” (7-13 cm) long, and is unique to any human or animal hair under a microscope. Bigfoot have exceptional intuition, smell, hearing, and eyesight. They seem to sense technology such as trail cams or anyone trying to capture them electronically and will generally avoid the encounter.  They are omnivores eating both plants and meat. Their scat is 3-4” (7-10 cm) wide and can be more than a foot (30 cm) long. Bigfoot emit a strong offensive or maybe defensive odour similar to that of a dead animal or a smelly cesspool (skunky smell)but not always. They are bipedal with large human-like feet and walk erect hunched forward. Their stride is wide with long swinging arms. Their hands and dexterity are almost identical to human hands. The head is larger than that of a human and can be pointy at the top. Their eyes tend to glow red at night, are dark, and lack the white area (sclera) unlike human eyes, although there may be exceptions.  Bigfoot have vocal cords and can send out a bloodcurdling scream, howls, and imitate birds, animals, and possibly sounds of man-made objects. Some observers have noticed they can make noises without moving their lips. Bigfoot range in height from 7-12’ (2.1-3.66 m). Their weight has been estimated upward to 800+ lbs (363+ kg) allowing them to leave footprints in substrate where humans cannotBigfoot walk in a linear manner similar to an individual walking a tightrope. They are very strong able to hurl full 45-gallon drums and large boulders. Other signs of Bigfoot activity are stick structures and snapped and overturned trees. 

The Clallam, Lummi, and Quinault tribes of the US Pacific NW had a press conference that was reported in the 1924, July 14 issue of the Oregonian newspaper. These tribes mentioned trade with the big hairy Indians or Seeahtlk (Bigfoot) tribe. The Seeahtlk used ventriloquism, have their own language, and are able to imitate sounds including bear and bird. They have supernatural powers. The Seeahtlk are harmless; however, if a member is killed they will return the blow one, two, or threefold to their attackers.

The stories of befriending a Bigfoot and learning to communicate with them are not new. Their main method of communication is telepathic. They have also been known to use fear tactics to get their point across. Bigfoot’s protection is in the forests and wooded areas, and they can climb trees. They are also good swimmers. It’s generally believed they shelter in caves.  They also have families. They will frighten people away from fishing or berry spots by throwing pebbles, rocks, or sticks nearby, or they may act aggressively to clear people out of their area. There are no reports that Sasquatch has severely harmed anyone physically.  Bigfoot have been known to root around in people’s backyards. Hunters, unfortunately, whether accidentally or deliberately have killed and wounded the occasional Bigfoot.  Dead bodies or skeletons of Bigfoot are extremely rare and, if found, are almost never examined publicly.  They have been known to retaliate if shot at. Some hunters feel very guilty when they see how human they look. Hunting and stalking Bigfoot is never a good idea not knowing the consequences.  

The English translation of North American indigenous names (below) for Bigfoot can give some idea of their temperament and activities. Interestingly, some tribal stories mention Bigfoot or a Bigfoot-like entity cannibalizing their people. From the research, this is not too surprising since Bigfoot individuals are in different states of consciousness. The degenerate actions of a few individuals should not be a reflection of the entire Bigfoot race.

Equally interesting are the conflicting and somewhat rare reports of mating between Bigfoot and humans as told in the indigenous North American and Russian stories. Non-indigenous people in the Americas, Europe, Asia, and other parts of the world have similar stories. Some of these sexual encounters reportedly are quite recent and have produced viable offspring.

Experts advise caution when encountering a Bigfoot, and if the situation doesn’t feel right—leave immediately and never confront. Direct eye contact should also be avoided because their intense gaze can have a hypnotic effect on their subjects.  There are reports Bigfoot can be caught off guard when they are preoccupied in some way, for example, focused on examining an object.  

The Bigfoot’s seemingly supernatural powers, as mentioned before, leave trackers bewildered as to the sudden disappearance or appearance of their tracks. Sometimes in the middle of nowhere, a single Bigfoot track can be found and not others. People who see Bigfoot or sense the presence of the entity have also seen UFOs hovering in the vicinity. Sometimes people hear mechanical sounds below the surface in Bigfoot area. The presence of technology does suggest an agenda in progress by someone. Who is piloting the UFOs, is it Sasquatch or is it someone else? Are the Bigfoot simply guards protecting those conducting their agenda? Are their supernatural powers naturally similar to those of the Siddhas of the Indian (Bharatian) Vedic tradition and/or are they assisted by quantum technologies (UFOs)? Are they the ‘watchers’ assessing humanity? Witnesses have seen Bigfoot dematerialize in front of them, vanish in a whirlwind, and disappear behind trees. Their sudden appearance out of nowhere is also puzzling. Their illusiveness is well known. This generates a number of questions as to Bigfoot’s origins, purpose, and presence

Bigfoot's presence directly challenges and upends academic and religious beliefs as to the origins of life on earth and who the creator might be. Is the human race working out as planned? Are they a potential replacement for the human race? In whose human image is the Sasquatch made? Since many people believe the human race is a hybrid race between ‘those who came from above’ and a terrestrial hominid (possibly Homo erectus), this last question can also be asked about the human race, and God as a direct creator may not be a good enough answer. Having said that, God can be seen as a primary creator seated in the Absolute (Unified Field) from where the infinite creative potential or impulses are expressed through an intermediate bio-engineer creatively detailing the secondary or tertiary expressions of life in the universe. 

If we look at the universe as a multidimensional entity where objects and entities can not only move horizontally in three dimensions but also inter-dimensionally through stargates, wormholes, vortices, or by other quantum means, then the Bigfoot appearances and disappearances, according to some Bigfoot researchers, make sense. The mechanism behind these space-time distortions or disruptions is still enigmatic but could be artificially generated using exotic high-energy quantum technologies located underground and the UFO vehicle itself. The distortions or disruptions could also be natural depending on the time of day or night. For instance, some believe, at night between 2:30-4:00 AM, the space-time fabric or veil is the weakest possibly allowing cryptids and Bigfoot to temporarily enter the physical realm. The Bigfoot residency status is unclear seemingly coming and going at will making it difficult to assess their population which is generally believed to be in the several thousands. They seem to straddle the boundaries between the outer physical world and the unseen inner world. This phenomenon is not fully understood by public researchers; however, the MIC know this phenomenon through their research but the public is not privy to their findings

There have been several mentions of Bigfoot looking very human in this article, what other evidence in addition to the human-looking face and other human characteristics is there to confirm this? Quoting excerpts from Dr. Melba Ketchum and her associates research paper, ‘Novel North American Hominins, Next Generation Sequencing of Three Whole Genomes and Associated Studies’ (novel-north-american-hominins-final-pdf-download.pdf (sasquatchgenomeproject.org), “One hundred eleven samples of blood, tissue, hair, and other types of specimens were studied, characterized and hypothesized to be obtained from elusive hominins in North America commonly referred to as Sasquatch.” “Hair morphology was not consistent with human or any known wildlife hairs.” “All known ape and relic hominin species such as Neanderthal and Denisovan were excluded as being contributors to both the nuclear and mitochondrial sequences.” Knowing that the research and paper would be heavily scrutinized by skeptics they took all precautions necessary to avoid any contamination of the samples and used the latest in forensic genomes technologies. Their conclusion is “our data indicates that the Sasquatch has human mitochondrial DNA but possesses nuclear DNA that is a structural mosaic consisting of human and novel non-human DNA.”  In other words, according to David Paulides who also assisted in the project, Bigfoot is a human hybrid and in his Youtube Bigfoot 101 Class-DNA describes Bigfoot DNA as approximately 95% human DNA and roughly 5% novel or unknown DNA with female DNA traced back about 12,000 years.

The DNA trace brings up a question, when did Bigfoot first appear on Earth? A possible partial answer may lie in Dinosaur Valley State Park along the Palury River in Texas. Dr. Cecil Dougherty began investigating long-held local rumours of giant human tracks alongside dinosaur tracks in bedrock along the river. The giant man and dinosaur (Brontosaurus, Trachodon, and an unknown dinosaur) tracks are along both sides near the banks of the Palury River in 100 million-year-old (Cenozoic Era) limestone beds. The man tracks are debunked by mainstream science as eroded dinosaur tracks; however, both man and dinosaur tracks are well-defined and clearly visible in the photographs taken by Dr. Dougherty. The tracks clearly show large human footprints with 5 toes measuring 21 1/2” (54.16 cm) long, 8” (20.32 cm) at the ball width (widest part of the foot) with a 7’ (2.13 m) stride between footprints. The big toe and the second toe are clearly visible with mud squished between them with a heel depression of 2 1/2” (6.35 cm) into the bedrock (see photos below). The individual is speculated to have been around 12’(3.66m) tall.

This article outlines more of the objective experiences, aspects, and research of the Bigfoot/Sasquatch while implying that there is much more to these giants than the intellectual superficialities the general public, stalkers, hunters, researchers, and investigators see, hear, or read. People who have befriended Bigfoot have earned their trust and learned to communicate with them discovering they have a wealth of knowledge of our and their history.  They have a planetary awareness, utilize the laws of nature, and are rich in paranormal and practical know-how abilities and experiences. The Sasquatches will only make contact with humans who have the ‘right stuff’.  Books by Sasquatch contactee and researcher Kenaunee (Jack) Lapseritis listed in the sources below are valuable references detailing the subjective experiences, aspects, and research of Bigfoot. Based on his experiences and descriptions some of the Sasquatch tribal elders appear to be in or close to Brahman consciousness. 

The following names for Bigfoot are derived from the Bigfoot research website ‘Is Bigfoot Real”.

Native American Names For Bigfoot

         • Chiha-Tanka (Sioux) – name meaning “Big Elder Brother”
         • Kecleh-Kudleh (Cherokee) – name meaning “Hairy Savage”
         • Atahsaia (Zuni) – name meaning “The Cannibal Demon”
         • Yé’iitsoh (Navajo) – name meaning “Big God”
         • Iktomi (Plains) – name meaning “The Trickster”
         • Choanito (Wenatchee) – name meaning “Night People”
         • Esti Capcaki (Seminole) – name meaning “Tall Man”
         • Ge no sqwa (Seneca) – name meaning “Stone Giants”
         • Hecaitomixw (Quinault) – name meaning “Dangerous Being”
         • Neginla eh (Yukon) – name meaning “Wood Man”
         • Oh Mah (Hoopa) – name meaning “Boss of the Woods”
         • Sasahevas (Salish) – name meaning “Wild Man of the Woods”

    Also, Salish is Sasq’ets (Sasquatch) meaning wild man or hairy man, a term coined by J.W. Burns in the 1930s when he was a Canadian Indian agent to the Sts’ailes First Nations (previously known as the Chehalis Band) in British Columbia, Canada. British Columbia had the highest Sasquatch sightings in Canada.

    • Toylona (Taos) – name meaning “Big Person”
    • Yayaya-ash (Klamath) – name meaning “The Frightener”
    • Mesingw (Lenni Lenape) – name meaning “The Mask Being”
    • Na’in (Gwich’in) – name meaning “Brushman”
    • Skookum (Chinook) – name meaning “Evil God of the Woods”
    • Ste ye mah (Yakama) – name meaning “Spirit Hidden by Woods”
    • Yi’ dyi’tay (Tillamook) – name meaning “Wild Man”
    • Kushtaka (Tlingit) – name meaning “Otter Man”
    • Miitiipi (Kawaiisu) – name meaning “Bad Luck or Disaster”
    • Madukarahat (Karok) – name meaning “Giant”
    • Ot ne yar heh (Iroquois) – name meaning “Stonish Giant”
    • See’atco (Coast Salish) – name meaning “One Who Runs and Hides”
    • Tsiatko (Nisqually) – name meaning “Wild Indians”
    • Tso apittse (Shoshone) – name meaning “Cannibal Giant”
    • Wetiko (Cree) – name meaning “
    Evil Man-Eating Giant”
    • Sc’wen’ey’ti (Spokane) – name meaning “Tall Burnt Hair

    Around the world & in the United States Bigfoot also has been called these names:

    • Bigfoot (Pacific Northwest, Alaska, North America)

    • Sasquatch (Pacific Northwest, Alaska, North America), Salish for wild man or hairy man

      On April 1, 1969 (not an April Fools joke) the Board of Commissioners of Skamania Country in Washington State made it illegal to hunt, kill or harass Bigfoot/Sasquatch (Ordinance No.69-01) with fines up to $100,000 or 10 years in jail. The ordinance was partially repealed and amended on April 2, 1984 (Ordinance No. 1984-02). In a June 9, 1992 resolution, the nearby Whatcom Country also created a Bigfoot/Sasquatch protection and refuge area (Resolution No. 92-043).  Since armed investigators, hunters, and stalkers show-up when there is a Sasquatch/Bigfoot sighting, the purpose of these laws is to protect the safety and well-being of persons living or travelling in these areas.

    • Yeti/Abominable snowman (Himalayas) lives in colder climates than Sasquatch

    • Yowie (Australia)

    • Skunk Ape (Florida, USA)

    • The Grassman (Ohio, USA)

    • Mapinguari (South America)

    • Curinquean (South America) 10+ feet (3+ meters) tall

    • Yeren (China)

    • Wendigo (Canada)

    • Almas (Mongolia)

    • Tree Men

    • Big Man

    • Chewbacca (Starwars movie)

    • Ape Man

    • Yellow Top

    • Windigo

    • Squatch

    • Mo Mo

    • Orang Pendek (Sumatra) A pigmy Sasquatch

    • Fouke Monster (Arkansas)

    • Big Grey Man (Ben Macdhui mountain in Scotland, UK)

    • Siberian Wildman Russia

    • Rock Apes Vietnam 5-6 feet in height

           Location of Pine Hill campsite and the Flicker Trail. Image: OpenStreetMap@AllTrails

Medicine Hat News front page.        Image thanks to Mike Fletcher.

Medicine Hat News page A2.       Image thanks to Mike Fletcher.

            Sasquatch sightings along the Seven Persons Creek. Image: Modified after Google Earth

Location of Spruce Coulee Reservoir near Elkwater, AB. Image: Modified after Google Earth

                        Some of the Bigfoot sightings in North America. Image: O.V.N.I. Confirmed

           Sketches of Bigfoot appearances.  Source: The Sasquatch Message to Humanity (Facebook)

                        Comparing Bigfoot to average humans. Image: Sasquatch, Ohio University

            Roger Patterson comparing his foot to the Bigfoot cast. Image: Oregonian, Jan 25, 2018

                                Bigfoot sign Colorado Springs, CO        Image Source: Unknown

 Image source: Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization-Facebook

100 million-year-old giant 5-toed human track alongside 3-toed dinosaur tracks. Tracks are believed to have been made around the same time. Photographer filled tracks with water (wet out) to bring out their features. Photography by: Dr. Dougherty

                       Close-up of the giant human and dinosaur track. Photography by: Dr. Dougherty

Giant human track 8” (20.32cm) from dinosaur track. No wet out for this track. Notice the mud squished between the big toe and the second toe. Foot is 21 1/2” (54.61cm) long. The heel is 2 1/2” (6.35cm) into the bedrock. Photography by: Dr. Dougherty


iPhone video posted on YouTube by Josh Highcliff of Tunica, Mississippi of a Sasquatch on his hunting property taken on Oct 24, 2013, around 6:00 PM. Josh was out with his gun and came across what he at first thought were wild hogs, but realized it had a head, shoulders, and hands.  He called it a Skunk Ape estimating it to be 7' (2.13m) tall.  At about 50 yards (45.72m) from him, he could see it digging out a dead cypress tree.  He was certain it was not a bear.  Although Josh was afraid and somewhat confused as to what he saw he did not have any thoughts about shooting the intruder.  


People on a train in southwest Colorado may have spotted Bigfoot. Posted to YouTube on October 11, 2023. No further information.  Video source: People on a train in southwest Colorado may have spotted Bigfoot - UFOmania - the truth is out there (weebly.com).

A stabilized version of the Patterson/Gimlin film, 10-20-1967.  Video source: MojoPin1983, YouTube


  1. Alberta Sasquatch; BFRO-A Creature Spotted Walking Along Shoreline of Spruce Coulee Reservoir (1998); January 25, 2018; BFRO: A creature spotted walking along shoreline of Spruce Coulee Reservoir (1998) | Alberta Sasquatch (sasquatchalberta.com); Site accessed 3/29/2023

  2. Alberta Sasquatch; The Seven Persons Sightings; Jan 16, 2018; The Seven Persons Sightings | Alberta Sasquatch (sasquatchalberta.com); Site accessed 2/5/2023

  3. AlienPaul; Big Foot; O.V.N.I. Confirmed; Oct 18, 2023; Big Foot – O.V.N.I CONFIRMED (wordpress.com); Site accessed 2/3/2023

  4. AllTrails; Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park (Centre Block)-Flicker Trail; 2023; Explore Flicker Trail | AllTrails; Site accessed 2/5/2023

  5. Altschuler, Janet (Attorney at Law); Tucson’s Criminal Law Blog; Crazy Laws Out of Washington State-Harassing Bigfoot; Tuscon, AZ; May 11, 2015; Crazy Laws Out of Washington State - Janet Altschuler (criminaldefensetucson.com); Site accessed 4/12/2023

  6. Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO); Hikers Find Footprint In Cypress Hills, July 16, 2001; Report #2815; BFRO Report 2815: Hikers find footprint in Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park.; Site accessed 2/5/2023

  7. Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO); A Boy’s Summer Encounter In A Saskatoon Patch in Strathcona Island Park, Next to Medicine Hat; Dec 9, 2012; Report #38116; BFRO Report 38116: A boy's summer encounter in a Saskatoon patch in Strathcona Island Park, next to Medicine Hat.Site accessed 2/7/2023

  8. Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO); A Creature Spotted Walking Along Shoreline; July 18, 1998; Report # 1403; BFRO Report 1403: A creature spotted walking along shorelineSite accessed 3/29/2023

  9. Bodewitz, Michael; Sasquatch Close Encounter Network for Interspecies Communication-The Mount St. Helens Bigfoot Cover Up; April 2,2022; The Mount St. Helens Bigfoot Cover Up – Sasquatch Close Encounter Network for Interspecies Communication (scenicsasquatch.com); Site accessed 2/5/2023

  10. Carpenter, Scott; Sasquatch Awareness Project (YouTube); (1394) Scott Carpenter – YouTube; Site accessed 2/4/2023

  11. Carpenter, Scott; Sasquatch Chronicles Blog; 2019; Hidden Existence: Scott Carpenter - Sasquatch Chronicles; Site accessed 2/4/2023

  12. Courthouse Libraries BC; Sasquatch in BC Law/In the United States; July 19, 2022; Sasquatch in BC Law | Courthouse Libraries BC (courthouselibrary.ca); Site accessed 4/12/2023

  13. Courtney, Stan; Bigfoot Sounds; 2016; Stan Courtney - Bigfoot Sounds and Stan Courtney – Sasquatch Recordings; Site accessed 2/6/2023

  14. Dougherty, Cecil N.; Valley of The Giants; Bennett Printing Company; Cleburne, TX, USA; Fouth Edition; 1976

  15. Gordon, Stan; Stan Gordon’s UFO Anomalies Zone; Stan Gordon's UFO Anomalies Zone – 24-hour UFO & Bigfoot/Cryptid Sightings Hotline (phone/fax) 724-838-7768 sightings@stangordon.info; Site accessed 2-27-202

  16. Henderson, Harold; Mystery Heightens In The Cypress Hills-study of ‘prairie ape’ photos inconclusive, say scientists; Medicine Hat News; April 1, 2013

  17. Highcliff, Josh; I Think I Saw A Skunk Ape-Please Help; Tunica, Mississippi; https://youtu.be/xb9YcIlkl_c?si=gH2wxqaSyM-Ec2-i; 6 PM, October 24, 2013; Site accessed 10-5-2023.

  18. Ilacqua, Joan; Sasquatch and the Law: The Implications of Bigfoot Preservation Laws in Washington State; Scholar Works; University of Massachusetts; Boston; March 29, 2014; ScholarWorks at UMass Boston - Graduate History Conference, UMass Boston: Sasquatch and the Law: The Implications of Bigfoot Preservation Laws in Washington State (umb.edu); Site accessed 4/12/2023

  19. Jenkins, Treyton; Bigfoot Around The World; Prez Presentations; Sept 21, 2015; Bigfoot Around the World by Treyton Jenkins (prezi.com)Site accessed 2/3/2023

  20. Jimmybme; Is Bigfoot Real; 2023; Bigfoot Names | Is Bigfoot Real or Not (is-bigfoot-real.com); Site accessed 2/3/2023

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  23. Lapseritis, Jack (Kewaunee); The Psychic Sasquatch-and their UFO Connection; Wild Flower Press; Charleston, SC, USA; June 2010

  24. Lapseritis, Kenaunee (Jack); The Sasquatch People and Their Interdimensional Connection; Comanche Spirit Publishing; Addy, WA, USA; 2011

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Charles Kuss 2023

Updated: 02/21/2024