Saturday, July 4, 2020


                                  Image credit:  Image by PhotoVision from Pixabay.

eXtra-ordinary Cypress Hills Paranormal


Experiencer: Charles Kuss

The following stories of UFO encounters in the Cypress Hills area are not about an individual wanting local fame. These encounters are to let people know they are real, that there are situations involving human and animal interactions, and that there is more going on around us than what our awareness allows us to see. In many ways, it is difficult to bring these stories forward because they are so incredible and unbelievable. People who have or have had an encounter may not remember their experiences or they may have written them off as strange personal glitches in their psychology and physiology or if they do remember their experiences they are understandably reluctant to talk about them.  The entire abduction process, when it occurs, is incredibly smooth, seamless, and clandestine with very few mistakes.

First of all, I like to mention between the age of 1 or 2 and 18 years I had several, possibly more, unusual experiences where I would seemingly disappear for a certain length of time. I have no idea what was being done to me or what I was doing for “them”. I only remember missing time in some instances and nothing else. I remember how I felt, the weather conditions, and what I heard and the sense of inconsistency from one second to the next. I remembered twilight in one second and total darkness in the next second. I also remember short entities (about a meter tall) on a couple of occasions that were not the Greys. My innocence kept me from judging these “unusual” experiences and I just accepted them as a normal part of my life.

Some of these experiences might appear horrendous at first that's because we do not understand our place in the universe and the cause and effect relationships between “them” and us. We also lack the personal and societal spiritual effectiveness when dealing with situations and circumstances that we think are beyond our control.

All my experiences, except for one, were seemingly positive and have helped me keep an open mind and not fall into the deep sleep of social and educational conditioning. The following experiences mentioned below I remember the best. I hope they are coherent enough for you to follow what I'm trying to say.

Cypress Hills, SK Area Ranch (1)

My parents of German descent had owned a small cattle ranch in an area of rolling hills and wide-open prairie on the south side near the summit of the Cypress Hills in SW Saskatchewan. I was around 3-4 years old (roughly 1955-56) sitting on the running boards of my dad's 1940s half-ton GMC truck. It was a beautiful sunny day, no wind and I felt just great with no worries. From what I remember it was around mid-morning, maybe a little later. Then, while still sitting on the running boards of the truck, something unexplained happened, almost the next second I felt like I had been raped. My groin area and lower abdomen felt painfully strange, I felt yucky, dirty and awful. We lived in a somewhat isolated area and the only people around were my parents. They were nowhere near me and were doing their chores. This experience was a real downer and has had a profound effect on me even to this day. Another thing, the weather had changed the wind had picked up as opposed to no wind a second before. I don't remember being afraid of anything but deeply puzzled by the experience. Since I didn't have a vocabulary to articulate my experience, I didn't tell my parents anything and felt they wouldn't understand even if I tried to express what had just happened to me. What really happened between those two seconds?  I often felt, even to this day, that I was abducted and taken to a US military base.

When I was about 1.5-2 years old I saw my first short entity peering through the kitchen window. It looked like a grey with large eyes except it seemed to have a somewhat squarish head, and had hair and claws on its hands that were resting on the outside windowsill. I’m not sure of the time but I think it was dark outside. The season could have been late fall-winter. Mom noticed I was looking at something and asked me what I was looking at. I turned to her and said “nichts” or “nothing” in German, but when I looked back at the window the entity was gone. Seeing this entity is the only memory I have from that time period. 

Ravenscrag, SK Schoolyard

Ravenscrag was a small hamlet in the scenic semi arid Frenchmen River valley in SW Saskatchewan. Today, there is very little left of the hamlet except for the school and a church. A local farming family now owns the hamlet site and maintains the school for local social functions.

The school is a two-room school that the country kids in the area attended, and it was also the closest school for us with a school bus service. The school and yard is enclosed by caragana bushes that allow high snowdrifts to form especially on the west side of the schoolyard.

On this particular winter day in 1963-1964, the snowdrifts on the west side were high, but not hard. It was a beautiful sunny fairly mild winter day. I was around 10 or 11 years old, extremely shy, withdrawn and had a difficult time fitting in. This description of my character will become important in a second. It was noon and some of us, surprisingly myself included, had quickly finished our lunch to go outside and play in the snowdrifts on the west side of the schoolyard. I felt energetic, excited and for the first time had a lot of fun playing with the other kids. I wondered where all that energy was coming from.

Since the snow was soft creating snow tunnels was easy. The tunnels were tight and short enough to allow light inside. While the kids were on the surface noisily playing, I crawled into the main tunnel and noticed a tunnel off to the side of the main tunnel that I didn't think we had built. I was alone. The tunnel was long and dark farther down its length. I was wondering who had built it. Being curious I crawled inside thinking I would meet up with the person who created it, but something else happened. Amazingly, while on my way out I noticed the tunnel was exceptionally roomy and pleasant with very dark round walls having a deep bluish/purple under glow. I thought how odd, whoever built this tunnel was an expert. While I was admiring and enjoying being in the tunnel a soft male-sounding voice told me to go back. If that wasn't odd enough, I was only in the tunnel for a couple of minutes or so, at least that's what I thought. When I left the tunnel to go to the main tunnel everything was quiet. How could that be, one minute there is the noise of the kids playing, and a couple of minutes later complete silence. Just when I exited the main tunnel to the surface one of the kids, sent by the teacher to see where I was, came running over informing me I was late and class had started. I felt quite embarrassed for being late and wondered if my classmates thought I had gotten lost in the tunnels. I also wondered what the teacher was going to say. Turns out she said nothing, and I did not get lost in the tunnels.

When I looked at the classroom clock I was 15 minutes late and when we left to go outside after lunch it was around 12:15. Taking into account tunnel building which didn't take long that leaves at least 30 minutes of unaccounted time. What happened during that lost time? And, what was this very dark round tunnel with a deep bluish/purple under glow? And, who was that voice?

I thought that tunnel was so interesting I would go back at recess (afternoon school break) and explore it some more, but when I went to that location there was no side tunnel off the main tunnel. I was very perplexed and extremely disappointed. There was also a noticeable energy difference between myself and the rest of the students between the afternoon recess and the noon break. Since the source of the energy, from where ever it came from, was also no longer around I reverted back to my old self.

Cypress Hills, SK Area Ranch (2)

As mentioned before, my parents owned a small cattle ranch in an area of rolling hills and wide-open prairie on the south side near the summit of the Cypress Hills in SW Saskatchewan. The ranch had two homesteads. Where we were living when I was 1.5-4 years old was open prairie and not very sheltered from the bitterly cold winter winds so we move to the other site a mile north where my dad's parents used to live. The trees at the new site provided excellent shelter, especially for the cattle.

It’s here I briefly saw my second short entity, again peering through the kitchen window when I was between 9-11 years old. It was an extremely cold winter night (-35-40C) and the time was around 7-9 PM. We had a two-mantle kerosene lantern for light and a coal/wood stove for warmth. This entity was more human looking with orangy brown skin with a somewhat squarish head. As cold as it was outside, I didn’t see it wear anything on its head. The odd thing about this experience is that the family was in the kitchen and they all seemed asleep or immobile which I thought was peculiar.  

As far as I know, my last incident where I was directly involved with any kind of high strange disappearances happened when I was 18 in late August of 1970. It was a beautiful warm calm evening, the sun had just set and I was walking our range cows that we were milking to a pasture a quarter of a mile down the road. By the time I got to the pasture, it was still twilight when I closed the gate. Unexpectedly, the next second I found myself in total darkness with stars shining brightly. It was still a beautiful warm calm night, and I was also a lot closer to home than I should have been. I looked up in the night sky and there was this bright object wildly zig-zagging back and forth as if it wanted me to see it. I didn't believe what I was seeing at first. All sorts of thoughts came racing through my mind as to what it was. Nothing made sense except a UFO also known as unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP).

It was late around 10:30 PM when I entered the house. Mom was very concerned with a terrified look in her face asking me where I was. Since she was having stress-related issues I didn't want to tell her what had just happened to me to not upset her. I told her it was a nice evening and I went for a nice long walk. That seemed to calm her down and she was happy with that explanation. When I left with the cows it was around 8:30PM. From what I can tell there was about an hour and a quarter of missing time. I immediately went to bed with a very unsettled mind wondering where I had been during that period of lost time.

The incident and experience didn't bother me and there didn't seem anything to be afraid of. My anxiety was more over the missing time and not being able to remember what went on in that space of time, not knowing who I was dealing with, and why. The feeling of being outwitted and having no control over what was happening was also bothersome.

Since then I've had other “high strange” interactions with various entities and crafts involving different levels of experiences. Perceiving the universe and our world as a multidimensional “entity” rather than a three-dimensional universe makes these “high strange” experiences appear less as unexplained mysteries and more like occurrences one would expect from a multidimensional universe. 

Part II: SOUTHWESTIAN: UFO AND UNEXPLAINED ENCOUNTERS, Cypress Hills, SK, and Surrounding Area: Part II

                                                                                                     Image: Modified after Google Earth

                                                                                                      Image: Modified after Google Earth

Charles Kuss 

Updated: 10/13/2023

UFO AND UNEXPLAINED ENCOUNTERS, Cypress Hills, SK, and Surrounding Area: Part II

                                         Image Credit: PhotoVision from

eXtra-ordinary Cypress Hills Paranormal

UFO AND UNEXPLAINED ENCOUNTERS, Cypress Hills, SK, and Surrounding Area: Part II

Experiencer: Charles Kuss

Recapping, the first article focused on my experiences from paranormal events on our ranch in the Cypress Hills, SK, and the immediate area. Most of my unusual experiences before 18 years old were superficial descriptions of physical sensations before and after the events and very little else. In this article, the unusual events are also from the Cypress Hills and cover a much broader area. My experiences from these events are very different than those in the first article because they involved extrasensory perception. In this article, there was no missing time and I was completely aware of the entire experiences without any disruption to my life. The deeper experiences brought me to accept the universe's challenge as a conscious multidimensional entity, and not the three-dimensional lifeless space as our education system teaches us.

The orthodox three-dimensional world view of the universe seems to lock us in a mental prison, narrowing our bandwidth of understanding, and anything unusual is classified as either a psychological disorder or an unknown paranormal event that objective scientists can't explain. As mentioned in the previous article, the experiences are difficult to relay in a way that makes sense without the reader thinking that this is just another 'nut' case. There is nothing wrong with healthy skepticism, and the readers will come away with their own conclusions after reading this article based on their own level of experience and understanding. Describing paranormal events is like trying to describe the taste of a banana to someone, the experience is in the taste. It appears what is classified as paranormal, unusual, mysterious, and undefined depends on the observer's perception and points of view.

Cypress Hills, SK Area Ranch

In the early 1990's I was at home helping my parents with their ranch work. Since there was some free time I went for a long walk while at the same time checking on some cows. It was a very windy prairie summer day with a few clouds. The wind was noisily rushing past my ears creating a relaxing and stimulating sound. As I was walking, a puzzling and somewhat disturbing energy spike started moving up my spine and continued to intensify to a point where my main focus was no longer with my body and surroundings. This heightened state of awareness moved me into another dimension while at the same time, in the background, I was still aware of walking and hearing the wind rush past my ears.

The shot into the alternate dimension seemed sudden putting me in the middle of five or six seemingly solid semi-transparent possibly female humanoid entities engulfed in blueish white light. The best analogy is blueish white light surrounding solid clear glass figurines. They appeared bald, looked taller than myself, had pronounced larger oval eyes, and seemingly smaller mouth than mine. When my subtler body (soul) became more relaxed a two-way telepathic communication began between us. The communication was very clear and no different than a regular conversation between people. While they were talking to me, I noticed my awareness could seamlessly shift back and forth from their subtler interdimensional location to my grosser physical body. After doing this a few times I realized I was playing around and not listening to what they had to say.

The conversation is a summary and was centered around the earth and the quality of intelligent life on this planet. Their information was nothing new and it has been expressed before from various angles and in different contexts throughout history and in modern media. Some readers may find this information disturbing and heretical.

Paraphrasing the conversation, the planet we live on is dynamic and ever-changing. It's not our permanent home, it's more like a holding place where souls acquire a body, and people live out their dreams, desires, and work out their karma. This planet, like many other similar planets, provides a process through a series of reincarnations for our spiritual evolution before we completely move on to higher planes of existence. This applies to all life. Most people are unaware of this because of what's lacking in our education system. This system it's self is part of a much larger global system controlled by a seemingly adversarial fascist core group working from the shadows of secret societies and other covert groups within large organizations. According to these entities, our planet is a planet of concern, and activities are being monitored and assessed. Most of our leadership has surrounded themselves with very arrogant, condescending, and destructive forces, and are endangering the well being of all life, nature's balance, and the planet it's self. If this is not turned around to life-supporting, nourishing, constructive and uplifting forces the quality of life on this planet will suffer greatly. The major paradigm shift for humanity is the transformation of our own consciousness to raise the quality of human intelligence to a higher level, and not more scientific and technological achievements.

The encounter lasted about twenty minutes and left me with a feeling we had a mutual understanding of the conditions on earth. They also expressed their gratitude towards my meditation techniques and mentioned it's a solution that millions like myself have that can bring about a peaceful and compassionate world. Their saintly stature made it a great honour to be amongst them. The time with these entities seemed too short and they had to go. The energy began to dissipate and my awareness went back on my body and the noisy wind blowing past my ears. Since meditation was brought up in the conversation I want to add a personal observation. A practitioner who can deeply transcend during their meditation, and objectively verify the authenticity of their technique's subjective claims through repeatable scientific research has a successful practical technique for enlightenment.

The entities never mentioned from where they came, but did indicate they knew me very well and have been observing and guiding me all my life. My initial reaction was that of puzzlement and surprise along with a touch of anger that I had sprititual guides watching me. Then I thought this might explain a few things. If there was any doubt in my mind of being watched, an experience in my very early teens left me wondering who could be watching me.

Our ranch had two homesteads, we lived on the second homestead were dad's parents once lived, but still kept a well going at the first homestead to provide water for the cattle. Dad was working on the small Briggs-Stratton engine used to pump water from the well. It was a sunny late spring day and the gophers were plentiful running around everywhere. Farmers and ranchers have little use for gophers because of their mounds, holes, and voracious eating habits. With that in mind, dad told me to go shoot a few gophers. Since I've never used a gun before, he showed me how to handle and use the 22 rifle, and where to aim at the rodent. I grabbed a box of bullets and merrily went gopher hunting a few hundred feet away where they were plentiful. After the third shot without missing and three dead gophers later I was very proud of myself. Just when I had that thought, a strong, stern but soft voice from behind me asked: "What are you doing"? Surprised and somewhat shocked, I thought it was dad scolding me, but that didn't make sense since he told me to go shoot gophers, so it could not have been him. I slowly turned around and found no one behind me. Dad was still a few hundred feet from me working on his engine. Feeling scolded and not quite sure what had just happened or what I did wrong, I put the rifle back in the truck and the box of bullets in the glove box. Dad asked me if there was anything the matter, I replied everything was good. This was my first and last hunting experience. I accepted what I did was wrong, and "Whoever" was right.

Between Walsh and Irwin, Alberta

Dad had passed away and the ranch was sold. I was working full time and lived in Medicine Hat, AB in the late 1990s and early 2000s and would drive to Maple Creek, SK a couple times a week to visit my mother. On one of my return trips while driving to Medicine Hat between Walsh and Irwin in late fall around 7:30 PM, just above the southern horizon I noticed an unusual star that caught my attention. I rolled down the window to get a better look. The moment I thought it must be just a star, it began to noticeably pulsate brighter and dimmer a couple of times letting me know it's not a star. As the object was pulsating I could feel the stress pulsating in my lower stomach-groin area in tune with the object. The only thing I could think of was that area of my physiology is stressed and I should do something about it. The object began to dim and fade away.

Maple Creek, SK

After Mom passed away, I moved to Maple Creek in 2003 worked part-time, and commuted to Medicine Hat three days a week. One evening around 11:15 PM in mid-September I had forgotten to turn off the water to the lawn. After turning the water off, I notice six small white lights moving in unison across the sky. Three lights were in the back, two in the middle, and one in front. Looking closer, the stars behind the large object were being blotted out as it moved passed them. It was a triangular craft gliding swiftly and silently through the atmosphere. As it was flying overhead, loud quacking sounds could be heard in the neighbours' yards. That was odd since there are no ducks in town and why would they be quacking at this time of the night unless something was disturbing them. I also wondered who the occupants were in the craft.

A week or so later, while out for an afternoon walk in the large open space behind the house, I may have encountered the occupants of that triangular craft. In my mind's eye (third eye) and not the physical eyes, seven or eight-foot-tall strong warrior-like humanoids of slightly different heights were walking silently toward me. They were as clear as seeing people with my physical eyes. Their faces were not completely visible and were somewhat blurry, and what was visible of their face was unlike any human or humanoid faces I'd seen. As these giants were coming closer, my soul began to slightly quiver from fear and move somewhat backward. While they were walking by me, one on either side, the one on my left reached down toward my lower stomach-groin area and did something. I didn't feel anything and thought the entity was just pointing something out to me. They continued to walk passed me for a few feet and faded out of view. 

 Years later, when recounting their experience of the blurry faces and not feeling anything from the one entity I began to wonder if this was a real experience of the entities or simply a holographic projection into my consciousness as their ship was passing unseen over me. Since they were very different from any bipedal known to me on Earth, by blurring their faces in a holographic projection was a safer and less frightening way to introduce themselves to me.

The quacking sound was still a mystery. One evening on Coast to Coast AM, a paranormal internet radio station, a caller phoned into the station and mentioned a similar experience of a quacking sound associated with a triangular craft that glided silently overhead. That didn't solve the quacking mystery but confirmed the sound may be associated with the operational dynamics of an electrogravitic vehicle.

My sightings continue up to this day and are clearly noticeable especially at night when their movements clearly defy any manmade or celestial objects.

Cypress Hills Aliens In Popular UFO Culture

I mentioned Grey aliens in the first article but have not knowingly encountered them. This doesn't mean they are not active in the area. They are the most common entity seen during abductions and are popular amongst the UFO culture. There are several species of tall and short Greys, named after their grey skin colour. A particular unusual type of Little Grey commonly seen during abductions has a bulbous pair-shaped head, large dark almond-shaped wrap-around eyes, short stature, and are greyish in colour. According to paranormal researchers, they are clones that do the 'dirty' work for their superiors who may be the Tall Greys. These unusual Little Grey entities people see during their abductions are actually in tight-fitting greyish uniforms during their work activity. The real entity inside the uniform, according to those who have seen them, is a short scaly pinkish reptilian entity with small cat-like eyes and a tail. Because of their popularity in abductions, these Little Greys have become marketable as toys, imaged on business and product logos, and depicted in cartoons, paranormal documentaries, and science fiction movies.

The second most popular entity in UFO culture is the Sasquatch or Bigfoot, similar to the Wookies in Star Wars. They can be associated with UFOs, and witnesses are baffled when they seem to suddenly appear and disappear. Bigfoot signs such as a huge footprint, eerie screeching, bone-chilling howling, overturned large trees, and feelings of being watched were recorded by hikers in the Cypress Hills Park, SK in mid-July, 2001.  The experience was reported in the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization's database: BFRO Report 2815: Hikers find footprint in Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park.  More Sasquatch sightings in the Cypress Hills and Seven Persons-Medicine Hat areas can be found at SOUTHWESTIAN: Cypress Hills, Seven Persons, and Medicine Hat Bigfoot/Sasquatch.

From experience and research, there is some truth in science fiction based on real events. An example, according to paranormal witness interviews, is the 1987 movie, The Predator.  Another movie, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, is believed to be based on a real event that happened outside of the Holloman Air Force Base in July 1965. Other examples are the Star Wars character Lord Maul, and the Klingons in Star Trek.

In real life, if it looks ugly and fearful it is not necessarily evil or hostile. The research indicates "They" may consider us just as ugly and fearful, and try to avoid us altogether. As mentioned before, it's all a matter of perception and points of view.

The existence of UFOs suggests the presence of several players either acting independently or in collaboration with each other. These players can be off-world entities with their own agendas which include bases here on Earth, extradimensional entities--those from realms other than the physical, advanced ancient societies that once had a presence on Earth's surface but are now in underground bases or elsewhere, time travelers from the future of our current time-line or possibly other time-lines, extraterritorial--meaning breakaways from the main society (e.g. the NAZI-SS), and man-made unacknowledged deep state projects within the military-industrial-complex manufacturing back engineered alien craft also known as alien reproduction vehicles (ARVs). These unacknowledged projects also include electrogravitic and electronic innovations from clever human inventors.

The Military-Industrial-Complex (MIC), a vast covert empire

 Insider interviews and investigations have revealed that not all saucers, triangles, and other shapes are "Theirs" but many are man-made. These "exotic" electro-gravitic vehicles are manufactured within the corporate confines of the MIC not only in the United States, the focus of this article, but also in Russia, Germany, possibly China, India, and other parts of the world. On the MIC level, there appears to be a certain amount of close cooperation between these countries which is contrary to the political shenanigans we witness on the surface.  

The earliest publicly known manmade "exotic" aircraft go back to the 1890s, possibly even before the 1850s, with the popular mystery airship (not balloons which were common at the time) sightings in the US, UK, and other parts of the world. The inventions of John Worrell Keely in the 1880s demonstrated he could control the movement of a levitating metallic disk by using the sound made by his violin or a piano. He also claimed to have discovered a new motive power 100 times more effective than steam or electricity. Dark forces had no appreciation for his public demonstrations and labeled Keely a fraudster forcing him to spend time in prison. He also lost his financial support making it difficult to continue his work. Other less-known inventors of Keely's time, many tied to mystery schools, also had a keen interest in levitation and alternative methods of propulsion. The airship mysteries are the most interesting and probably tried to incorporate various alternative methods of propulsion systems in secret test runs.       

These airships were generally silent, had a whirling whizzing sound from the propellers and battery-powered electric motors, flew high and at night, could travel up to 200 mi/hr (322 km/hr), and had a large bright headlamp with some lighting in the interior of the craft. Wings, tails, and coloured signal lights were also seen on some airships. Witnesses describe them as cigar-shaped (a compartment containing lighter than air gas) with a coach-like compartment slung beneath holding a small crew and sometimes a few passengers in the larger airships. Little is known about these airships other than witness testimonies and the detailed texts left behind by the obscure Charles A.A. Dellschau, a Prussian immigrant to the US, who was also somehow involved with the airships. They appear to be early experimental test craft perfecting aerial navigation and flying with some models possibly aided by an early form of electrogravitics or gravito-electric-magnetism as it was known in the late 1890s for propulsion. According to some researchers, this led to the continuous classified development of electro-gravitic and exotic propulsion systems into the 20th century, greatly accelerated by the NAZIs during WWII, and development continued with the same feverish pace into the 21st century. 

The location of the airship development and manufacturing facilities remains unknown to the public; however, some researchers believe the airship origins began in Prussia by a secret organization called NYMZA in the early 19th century. German investment bankers secretly funded the innovation and development of these craft. The airship mystery ended suddenly with dirigibles and fixed-wing aircraft becoming popular shortly thereafter utilizing many of the airship features. Interestingly, people mistook these airships and their crew and passengers as space aliens, hollow earth visitors, Biblical prophecies being fulfilled, demons, angels, or more correctly secret government and private inventor's projects. Some thought they were hoaxes and usually waited until a more reputable person in their community made their sighting public before coming forward.  It should be noted that NYMZA and the NAZI-SS have their roots in a much older Germanic organization, the Teutonic Knights founded in 1190 AD.

 During WWII the NAZIs (Third Reich), particularly the secret SS cult of the Black Sun, took over and oversaw the NAZI development and production of exotic technologies including alternative power sources and disk craft propulsion systems. The NAZIs could draw on abundant expendable experienced slave labour from their concentration camps to work on these exotic projects. Just prior to the end of the war, it is speculated by some that these exotic electro-gravitic crafts had hyperdimensional capabilities and that the SS "had help", according to Paperclip NAZI engineer Dr. Hermann Oberth, in their construction. When it became clear that the Hitler NAZIs were going to lose the battles to the Allies and just before the war ended the SS secreted their exotic technologies away to other countries friendly to the NAZI regime predominately South America (Argentina) but also Africa, the Antarctic, and other parts of the world out of Allied hands. The SS continued to develop and refine these exotic technologies at their secret locations after the war. This led many to believe that the upsurge in UFO activity after WWII may have been NAZI-SS craft some of which looked similar to those being developed during the war in NAZI Germany.

Since the NAZI-SS cult did not sign a peace treaty along with Germany they remained a warlike lawless globally well-connected, well-funded, extra-territorial force without a country. They had their own illusive governing structure which led the Allies (US Military Intelligence) to conclude that their NAZI Paperclip scientists who ranged in the tens of thousands, most of whom were still loyal SS cult members with their own ideology, were receiving orders and paychecks from somewhere other than the place of their employment. The nefarious SS cult quickly infiltrated the already controversial American and Western military-industrial-complex (MIC) and aerospace industry adding to its complexity. With the postwar creation of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA, Allen Dulles), a merger between the NAZI eastern intelligence agency (Reinhard Gehlen) and the US Office of Strategic Service (OSS) this ruthless element within the MIC is able to 'take out' anyone who challenges their power structure and agenda. There is strong evidence from the Jim Garrison Papers (US District Attorney, Jim Garrison) that this fascist power structure (the NAZI-SS in this article) acted through the aerospace industry to assassinate President John F. Kennedy, who had challenged their very existence, in a coupe d'état overthrowing a democratically elected president in favour of puppet presidents who are answerable only to their leadership structure and ideology. It should be noted that JFK's assassination was very complex that also involved the MAFIA, CIA, and other players. Examining the post-war NAZI influences, it's concluded by some researchers that the NAZIs may have lost the battles during WWII but actually won the war.

The US government along with many other legal governments is unable to act against this unconstitutional transnational fascist element because they are held hostage by psychopaths with their highly advanced technology.  These psychopaths use bribery, blackmail, terrorism, and murder and will stop at nothing to get what they want. Think of the early European explorers with their canons and firearms vs the spears and bows and arrows of the indigenous people, it was a no-win situation for the indigenous peopleJust like the Emporer's empire in Star Wars, this rogue tyrannical element within the covert MIC empire is nothing more than a conceptual fascist governing structure thriving on the Satanic ritual abuse of its members and citizens of the countries whose governments they covertly control.  

In case you're wondering, the vast covert MIC empire is a well-connected intertwined multi-level compartmentalized pyramidal organizational top-down control structure beyond the visible legal governmental structure that has representatives in various legal governments, royal establishments and households, military, all major industries, major retail outlets, media, entertainment, religion, politics, secret societies, secret and semi-secret groups, mystery schools, education, banking, finance, intelligence, health care and medicine, agriculture, food processing, research, the judicial system, law enforcement, aerospace, mafia, various illegal trafficking and other criminal operations, satanic groups, and anything off-world they are involved withThe deeper one goes into this structure the more demonic and deranged this system and individuals become. They consider this world including the off-world and everything in it their assets to do as they please. They start wars by coercing nations to fight against each other and if there is no enemy to fight they create a factional enemy and this enemy then becomes an opportunistic tool to achieve a desired goal or result. This can be likened to a chess board where the opposing players on the board, which is owned by the deep-state MIC, have a predetermined outcome based on an agenda decided decades if not centuries ago. As we have seen with the NAZI-SS, there are various groups or factions within the MIC involved in aggressive power plays that even challenge the established MIC players.  These plays can result in covert wars with 'mysterious' overt outcomes which are then covered up with a massive propaganda campaign. Examples of such outcomes are the assassinations of John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy Sr., Martin Luther King, and the mysterious deaths of many others. Think of our legal governments floating on a depraved dark murky stinky swamp with a very tight small group of demonic elite families at the center comprising mainly of banking, the intelligence community, and a handful of industrialists with a loosely defined emporer at the top. Some researchers are convinced that a non-human element in much darker realms has control over this tightly-knit human group.  

Today, the MIC is hundreds, if not thousands, of years more technologically advanced than the general public's perception of technology. The technology the public receives is the MIC's throw-away technology. The exotic technologies of the MIC are very advanced and fully operational capable of deep space travel, and according to some, are used in secret space programs the public knows nothing about leading one Skunk Works (Ben Rich, director of the special access division of Lockheed Martin Corporation) insider to boast prior to his death in January 1995 that "we can take ET home" and that anything that was conceived of in Star Trek has already been done. According to some, the secret space program is the real space program and the public space programs like NASA, ROSCOSMOS, European Space Agency, and China National Space Administration are a front hiding the real program. These special access space programs are wrapped in deep unacknowledged black projects and agendas within the highly compartmentalized MIC and are often mistaken as alien UFOs or deliberately labelled as alien crafts to hide their true origins or even hide realistic fake alien abductions as reported by some witnesses and MIC insiders.  

Over the years, many credible well-documented/credentialled government and industry whistleblowers and researchers have come forward to educate the public on UFOs (both off-world and man-made) and the extraterrestrial phenomena at the expense of their own lives. Some whistleblowers have been directly involved with the recovery of whole and crashed craft, reverse engineering of these crafts, handling of live and deceased entities, and man and ET collaborations. Despite the material evidence and technological advances, there still remain many questions and very few answers. It's fair to say there are no experts in this field only knowledgeable experiencers.

With the incredibly advanced technology hidden within the compartmentalized MIC, the storing and back-engineering of alien craft, traveling through the cosmos at superluminal speeds, faking alien abductions, and establishing nonhuman contacts make for a good action science fiction novel, movie, or video game. One has to wonder if the science fiction the public reads, watches, and plays is nothing more than a fictional platform disguised as an open secret from where the MIC can brag and display their technological and exopolitical advances without having to expose their modus operandi.  

The unidentified flying object or UFO label has always been in the public domain since at least 1953 when it was first mentioned by the US Air Force.  The use of this phrase goes back to at least the very late 1940s by the CIA. Many credible UFO researchers find this troubling because now the CIA has more control over the label and they can use or change it to spin whatever narrative suits their agenda. In fact, that's exactly what they are doing. Instead of supporting credible public researchers to advance the UFO and extraterrestrial understanding peacefully they have blocked it and are offering the public a possible alien threat narrative instead that has very little to do with national security.  This agenda has the appearance of shaping public perception towards an alien threat that will eventually lead to a fake alien invasion orchestrated by the MIC to further control the population and bring in global governance, the rise of the Fourth Reich?  Add to this unnatural pandemics, silencing of medical professionals,  deprivation of proven alternative medicine and health care, digital vaccine passports, unnatural climate change, population reduction, social credit scores, digital currency, false food shortages, lockdowns, and other political and financial instruments fascists add to the mix then is this what Klaus Schwab, who has a strong NAZI family background and founder of the World Economic Forum (January 1971), calls the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Reich)?

The research for this last section of this article deals with the finite lower shallow exploitive materialistic war-like spectrum of life on Earth and the universe and does not represent the peaceful infinite values of higher states of consciousness that also exist simultaneously on Earth and within the universe. The more evolved in consciousness the entities are the less likely they want to interact with the established legal governments or the MIC. This also applies to humans with a more evolved state of consciousness. The evolved off-world entities have no hostility towards us; however, they are concerned about our hostility and therefore are not a threat to national security or anyone as is promulgated by certain government officials, the legacy media, and SiFi movie producers featuring hostile invasive aliens. One can't help coming away feeling that 'like attracts like' not only on Earth but also in the universe and the quality of our consciousness is a direct reflection of the quality of our paranormal experiences.

The UFO topic as it currently exists is a very interesting and awe-inspiring, but also a complex, disturbing, and confusing subject with aliens mimicking MIC activity, MIC copying alien activity, propaganda, intelligence and counterintelligence, personal biases, lies from alien entities, charlatans, murder of whistle-blowers and researchers, people disappearing, experiencers mysteriously getting sick and dying, human abductions, animal abductions and mutilations, abnormal electromagnetic and radiation signatures, men in black, strangers in the bedroom, and the list goes on. The focus tends to be negative catering to a few dominating individuals and organizations within the MIC, however; there are many more positives that can serve the entire world. A few examples are man's rethinking of science, religion, education, and the sharing of wisdom, knowledge, and the development of clean and life-supporting technologies. The vast majority of people within the MIC and many family members of the elites are basically good people who are misguided by their dominating peers and in many cases are just as ignorant as the rest of the population as to what's actually going on.  They also want a fairer and more compassionate world and in many cases that is their life's goal. Within this deep-state MIC complex, there are only a handful chosen who have the power and control over the many and only a promising few are 'read-in' to the power elite's agenda.

An interesting company to watch is Elon Musk's SpaceX with its very innovative rocket designs, maneuvers, and futuristic goals. Just speculating, it's possible that the MIC's secret space program may channel some of their advanced technology through SpaceX making it look like it's being invented by SpaceX. Musk's Tesla Motor Company and other electric vehicle manufacturers may also be used for the same purpose to introduce to the public more exotic technologies.

The terms unidentified flying objects and unidentified aerial phenomena are very misleading because most aerial objects, their source, and manufacturing locations whether on or off-world have already been identified. They remain unidentified as long as the MIC says they are unidentified. Keeping the public ignorant has a strategic advantage for the MIC since they can hide under the political and constitutional radar, and conspire against the public's common sense. 


                                                                                 Image: Modified after Google Earth

                         Image source: Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization (Facebook)

John Worrell Keely demonstrated the control of his flying disk using the sound made by his violin in the 1880s. Dark forces didn't appreciate his demonstration sending him to prison.  Image: Look and Learn

    North American UFO Sightings                                                                     Image: Google Images

   Image: The Shaunavon Standard: From Facebook page 'You know you are from Shaunavon when...'

References to the Military Industrial Complex Section of this article (incomplete list, and sadly some sources are no longer available)


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  39. Marrs, Jim; The Rise of the Fourth Reich-The Secret Societies That Threaten to Take Over America; William Morrow/Harper Collins; New York, NY; 2008

  40. Maxwell, Jordan; various videos, interviews, and books.

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  52. UFOS & Area 51-The Bob Lazar Video [DVD]; UFO-TV; Venice, CA, USA; 2004; UFOTV – UFOTV – Streaming Video

Charles Kuss 
Updated: 07/24/24