Saturday, July 4, 2020


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eXtra-ordinary Cypress Hills Paranormal


Experiencer: Charles Kuss

The following stories of UFO encounters in the Cypress Hills area are not about an individual wanting local fame. These encounters are to let people know they are real, that there are situations involving human and animal interactions, and that there is more going on around us than what our awareness allows us to see. In many ways, it is difficult to bring these stories forward because they are so incredible and unbelievable. People who have or have had an encounter may not remember their experiences or they may have written them off as strange personal glitches in their psychology and physiology or if they do remember their experiences they are understandably reluctant to talk about them.  The entire abduction process, when it occurs, is incredibly smooth, seamless, and clandestine with very few mistakes.

First of all, I like to mention between the age of 1 or 2 and 18 years I had several, possibly more, unusual experiences where I would seemingly disappear for a certain length of time. I have no idea what was being done to me or what I was doing for “them”. I only remember missing time in some instances and nothing else. I remember how I felt, the weather conditions, and what I heard and the sense of inconsistency from one second to the next. I remembered twilight in one second and total darkness in the next second. I also remember short entities (about a meter tall) on a couple of occasions that were not the Greys. My innocence kept me from judging these “unusual” experiences and I just accepted them as a normal part of my life.

Some of these experiences might appear horrendous at first that's because we do not understand our place in the universe and the cause and effect relationships between “them” and us. We also lack the personal and societal spiritual effectiveness when dealing with situations and circumstances that we think are beyond our control.

All my experiences, except for one, were seemingly positive and have helped me keep an open mind and not fall into the deep sleep of social and educational conditioning. The following experiences mentioned below I remember the best. I hope they are coherent enough for you to follow what I'm trying to say.

Cypress Hills, SK Area Ranch (1)

My parents of German descent had owned a small cattle ranch in an area of rolling hills and wide-open prairie on the south side near the summit of the Cypress Hills in SW Saskatchewan. I was around 3-4 years old (roughly 1955-56) sitting on the running boards of my dad's 1940s half-ton GMC truck. It was a beautiful sunny day, no wind and I felt just great with no worries. From what I remember it was around mid-morning, maybe a little later. Then, while still sitting on the running boards of the truck, something unexplained happened, almost the next second I felt like I had been raped. My groin area and lower abdomen felt painfully strange, I felt yucky, dirty and awful. We lived in a somewhat isolated area and the only people around were my parents. They were nowhere near me and were doing their chores. This experience was a real downer and has had a profound effect on me even to this day. Another thing, the weather had changed the wind had picked up as opposed to no wind a second before. I don't remember being afraid of anything but deeply puzzled by the experience. Since I didn't have a vocabulary to articulate my experience, I didn't tell my parents anything and felt they wouldn't understand even if I tried to express what had just happened to me. What really happened between those two seconds?  I often felt, even to this day, that I was abducted and taken to a US military base.

When I was about 1.5-2 years old I saw my first short entity peering through the kitchen window. It looked like a grey with large eyes except it seemed to have a somewhat squarish head, and had hair and claws on its hands that were resting on the outside windowsill. I’m not sure of the time but I think it was dark outside. The season could have been late fall-winter. Mom noticed I was looking at something and asked me what I was looking at. I turned to her and said “nichts” or “nothing” in German, but when I looked back at the window the entity was gone. Seeing this entity is the only memory I have from that time period. 

Ravenscrag, SK Schoolyard

Ravenscrag was a small hamlet in the scenic semi arid Frenchmen River valley in SW Saskatchewan. Today, there is very little left of the hamlet except for the school and a church. A local farming family now owns the hamlet site and maintains the school for local social functions.

The school is a two-room school that the country kids in the area attended, and it was also the closest school for us with a school bus service. The school and yard is enclosed by caragana bushes that allow high snowdrifts to form especially on the west side of the schoolyard.

On this particular winter day in 1963-1964, the snowdrifts on the west side were high, but not hard. It was a beautiful sunny fairly mild winter day. I was around 10 or 11 years old, extremely shy, withdrawn and had a difficult time fitting in. This description of my character will become important in a second. It was noon and some of us, surprisingly myself included, had quickly finished our lunch to go outside and play in the snowdrifts on the west side of the schoolyard. I felt energetic, excited and for the first time had a lot of fun playing with the other kids. I wondered where all that energy was coming from.

Since the snow was soft creating snow tunnels was easy. The tunnels were tight and short enough to allow light inside. While the kids were on the surface noisily playing, I crawled into the main tunnel and noticed a tunnel off to the side of the main tunnel that I didn't think we had built. I was alone. The tunnel was long and dark farther down its length. I was wondering who had built it. Being curious I crawled inside thinking I would meet up with the person who created it, but something else happened. Amazingly, while on my way out I noticed the tunnel was exceptionally roomy and pleasant with very dark round walls having a deep bluish/purple under glow. I thought how odd, whoever built this tunnel was an expert. While I was admiring and enjoying being in the tunnel a soft male-sounding voice told me to go back. If that wasn't odd enough, I was only in the tunnel for a couple of minutes or so, at least that's what I thought. When I left the tunnel to go to the main tunnel everything was quiet. How could that be, one minute there is the noise of the kids playing, and a couple of minutes later complete silence. Just when I exited the main tunnel to the surface one of the kids, sent by the teacher to see where I was, came running over informing me I was late and class had started. I felt quite embarrassed for being late and wondered if my classmates thought I had gotten lost in the tunnels. I also wondered what the teacher was going to say. Turns out she said nothing, and I did not get lost in the tunnels.

When I looked at the classroom clock I was 15 minutes late and when we left to go outside after lunch it was around 12:15. Taking into account tunnel building which didn't take long that leaves at least 30 minutes of unaccounted time. What happened during that lost time? And, what was this very dark round tunnel with a deep bluish/purple under glow? And, who was that voice?

I thought that tunnel was so interesting I would go back at recess (afternoon school break) and explore it some more, but when I went to that location there was no side tunnel off the main tunnel. I was very perplexed and extremely disappointed. There was also a noticeable energy difference between myself and the rest of the students between the afternoon recess and the noon break. Since the source of the energy, from where ever it came from, was also no longer around I reverted back to my old self.

Cypress Hills, SK Area Ranch (2)

As mentioned before, my parents owned a small cattle ranch in an area of rolling hills and wide-open prairie on the south side near the summit of the Cypress Hills in SW Saskatchewan. The ranch had two homesteads. Where we were living when I was 1.5-4 years old was open prairie and not very sheltered from the bitterly cold winter winds so we move to the other site a mile north where my dad's parents used to live. The trees at the new site provided excellent shelter, especially for the cattle.

It’s here I briefly saw my second short entity, again peering through the kitchen window when I was between 9-11 years old. It was an extremely cold winter night (-35-40C) and the time was around 7-9 PM. We had a two-mantle kerosene lantern for light and a coal/wood stove for warmth. This entity was more human looking with orangy brown skin with a somewhat squarish head. As cold as it was outside, I didn’t see it wear anything on its head. The odd thing about this experience is that the family was in the kitchen and they all seemed asleep or immobile which I thought was peculiar.  

As far as I know, my last incident where I was directly involved with any kind of high strange disappearances happened when I was 18 in late August of 1970. It was a beautiful warm calm evening, the sun had just set and I was walking our range cows that we were milking to a pasture a quarter of a mile down the road. By the time I got to the pasture, it was still twilight when I closed the gate. Unexpectedly, the next second I found myself in total darkness with stars shining brightly. It was still a beautiful warm calm night, and I was also a lot closer to home than I should have been. I looked up in the night sky and there was this bright object wildly zig-zagging back and forth as if it wanted me to see it. I didn't believe what I was seeing at first. All sorts of thoughts came racing through my mind as to what it was. Nothing made sense except a UFO also known as unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP).

It was late around 10:30 PM when I entered the house. Mom was very concerned with a terrified look in her face asking me where I was. Since she was having stress-related issues I didn't want to tell her what had just happened to me to not upset her. I told her it was a nice evening and I went for a nice long walk. That seemed to calm her down and she was happy with that explanation. When I left with the cows it was around 8:30PM. From what I can tell there was about an hour and a quarter of missing time. I immediately went to bed with a very unsettled mind wondering where I had been during that period of lost time.

The incident and experience didn't bother me and there didn't seem anything to be afraid of. My anxiety was more over the missing time and not being able to remember what went on in that space of time, not knowing who I was dealing with, and why. The feeling of being outwitted and having no control over what was happening was also bothersome.

Since then I've had other “high strange” interactions with various entities and crafts involving different levels of experiences. Perceiving the universe and our world as a multidimensional “entity” rather than a three-dimensional universe makes these “high strange” experiences appear less as unexplained mysteries and more like occurrences one would expect from a multidimensional universe. 

Part II: SOUTHWESTIAN: UFO AND UNEXPLAINED ENCOUNTERS, Cypress Hills, SK, and Surrounding Area: Part II

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                                                                                                      Image: Modified after Google Earth

Charles Kuss 

Updated: 10/13/2023