Green Quirk part 2
Radiation Remediation and Thorium Reactors: permanent solutions for a healthy environment
Radiation Remediation and thorium reactors are taken from ‘Fukushima Solutions World Conference’, University of Texas, Austin March 22-23, 2014: speaker, David Yurth. (Transcript: DY-Srt - Google Docs)
From 1994-2002 Dr. David Yurth set up a privately owned research lab in Salt Lake City, UT and teamed up with several scientists from around the world to publish, share, and open source their findings. They also held conferences to publicize their research. Out of this research came a technology that produced high-energy charge clusters to remediate radioactive wastes. Kenneth Shoulders in the group received recognition for creating that technology. The device would shoot out electrons at one end of a spark generator. These electrons, rather than dispersing away from each other generated small doughnut-shaped tori. When the tori are guided by a magnetic field through a proton-rich environment such as deuterium (a stable isotope of hydrogen) gas, each torus being highly negatively charged in the centre would attract the relatively heavier protons travelling at 10% the speed of light into the centre of the torus. The protons would have enough kinetic energy when striking a nucleus of the target radioactive material to temporarily, but not catastrophically, disrupt the nuclear structure causing the release of some protons, neutrons, gamma rays, and lots of electrons. After the bombardment, the structure reestablishes itself except the half-life is cut to 50%. Another bombardment reduces the radioactive material by another half. Yurth gives an example of radioactive Cesium-137 when bombarded by high-density charge clusters in a deuterium environment the half-life is reduced from 30 years to 15 years with one bombardment. When Cesium-137 is continued to be bombarded by high-density charge clusters the half-life is further reduced to 7 1/2 years, then 3 3/4 years and so on until the radioactive emissions are at ambient background levels. This technology has been demonstrated for 11 years to repeatedly work for both solid and liquid radioactive wastes. Radioactive nuclear wastes can be remediated in real time as it’s being produced on-site using this safe and effective method. Yurth personally knows of four different effective methods that can be used to eliminate radioactive wastes permanently without any contamination. The US patent office and literature contain an additional 84 innovations (600 patents worldwide) to deal with radioactive waste and contamination using plasma, magnetic fields, and cryogenic methods. In 2011, the Russians had a research project that totally remediated 1500 cubic meters of high-level contaminated waste. Mainstream scientific publications refused to publish the Russian scientist’s research which led them to open source their findings.
The US Department of Energy (DOE) got wind of what Yurth and his researchers were doing and wanted them to share their data with the Department. They packed up their materials and sent them to the DOE who in turn sent them out to another lab to verify the scientific results. After a year, the lab not only confirmed the results but also the technique used to remediate radioactive wastes. The scientists thought they were being invited by the DOE to participate in a process to implement the design engineering prototype for testing and deploying alpha and beta additions for on-site field testing to remediate nuclear waste. Apparently, the DOE tricked them when an assistant to the secretary of the DOE called Yurth in October 2005 and screamed so loud over the phone that Yurth had to hold the phone away from his head. The DOE didn’t want anything to do with Yurth or their research. They were told to stop their research or be arrested under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) and be thrown in jail without representation, and if they didn’t desist they would be served national secrecy orders. They stopped their research and in 2010 under the new Obama administration Yurth got another phone call from an individual in the DOE apologizing for the behaviour of the previous DOE secretary and to prepare a presentation and come to Washington, DC to give a private presentation to all their 26 department heads. They worked throughout the summer putting the presentation together, and three weeks before the presentation was scheduled to occur a private email from the DOE individual expressed his regrets that there was no political alternative except to cancel the conference. The DOE department heads gave this DOE individual such a negative reaction to the meeting that they didn’t want the conversation or have it on record in the DOE offices that the conversation or the meeting even took place.
Yurth concluded the inmates are running the asylum. Private interests and their capital are protecting their economic and political territory by preventing genuinely useful technologies from getting onto the market. Much of the massive US budget goes towards military spending and research projects with little towards addressing environmental issues or serving civilian concerns.
In 1954, Yurth continues, Edward Teller developed and patented the liquid sodium thorium reactor without the problems posed by uranium nuclear reactors. The operating temperatures are much lower with no meltdowns or explosions eliminating radioactive material leaking into the air or groundwater. There is no need for cooling towers, liquid mercury, pressurized containment vessels, or exotic materials. Dr. Otis Peterson operated a sodium thorium reactor prototype for 11 years with few issues producing 10 megawatts of power with a performance temperature of 200 C. According to Yurth, the Chinese are spending millions of dollars and currently lead in the building of sodium thorium reactors which will eventually replace their coal-fired power plants.
In a 2005 article by Noir and Teller published in ‘Nuclear Technology’, “ the power plant [thorium nuclear reactor] could operate for up to 200 yr with no transport of fissile material to the reactor or of wastes from the reactor during this period. Advantages that include utilization of an abundant fuel, inaccessibility of that fuel to terrorists or for diversion to weapons use, together with good economics and safety features such as an underground location will diminish public concerns....”
Numerous articles on thorium reactors focus mostly on issues downplaying their benefits as an alternative to cleaner, safer nuclear power over the existing uranium reactors. The world is slowly catching on to thorium reactors, which are touted as the future of nuclear energy. Thorium is also widely available, being three times more abundant than uranium.
Green Quirk part 1 Introduction
Green Quirk part 2 Radiation Remediation and Thorium Reactors
Green Quirk part 3 Over Unity/Free Energy
Green Quirk part 4 Internal Combustion Engine Efficiency
Green Quirk part 5 Electrogravitic Space and Personal Vehicles
Green Quirk part 6 Water Electrolysis and Hydrogen
Butler, George; YouTube: David Yurth-Fukushima Conference; April 6, 2014; David Yurth - Fukushima Conference: Site accessed 1-12-2025.; Nuclear Radiation Remediation; November 6, 2018; Nuclear Radiation Remediation – Check The Evidence; Site accessed 1-26-2025.
Greer, Steven Dr.; et al; YouTube-PopNet: The Lost Century; October 24, 2024; The Lost Century | Full Documentary; Site accessed 1-1-2025.
Hasslberger, Sepp; Seeing Past the Edge by David Yurth; October 17, 2018; Seeing Past The Edge - by David Yurth - A new world emerging; Site accessed 1-26-2025.
Midgley, Emma; Fisher, Matt; Molten Salt Reactor Technology Development Continues as Countries Work Towards Net Zero; IAEA; April 8, 2024; Molten Salt Reactor Technology Development Continues as Countries Work Towards Net Zero | IAEA; Site accessed 1-18-2025.
Moir, Ralph W.; Teller, Edward; Thorium-Fueled Underground Power Plant Based On Molten Salt Technology; Nuclear Technology; Vol. 151; Sept 2005; Pgs. 334-340; No Job Name or Wayback Machine; Site accessed 1-16-2025.
Ramana, MV; Nuclear power: Why Molten salt reactors are problematic and Canada investing in them is a waste; The Conversation; Toronto, ON; September 14, 2021; Nuclear power: Why molten salt reactors are problematic and Canada investing in them is a waste; Site accessed 1-18-2025.
Soundcloud (Homosymbion); David Yurth-Proven nuclear remediation technology denied; 2019; Proven nuclear remediation technology denied by Homosymbion; Transcript: DY-Srt - Google Docs; Site accessed 1-26-2025.
World Nuclear Association; Molten Salt Reactors; Last updated September 10, 2024; Molten Salt Reactors - World Nuclear Association; Site accessed 1-16-2025.
Yurth, David; High Density Charge Cluster (EVO) Remediation of High Nuclear Waste; Nuclear Remediation Technologies, Inc; October 2014; (PDF) High Density Charge Cluster (EVO) Remediation of High Nuclear Waste; Site accessed 1-26-2025.
Charles Kuss
Updated: 2-20-2025