Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Green Quirk part 5: Electrogravitic Space and Personal Vehicles--Permanent Solutions For a Healthy Environment

    The Future Electrogravitic Sky Rider.                                                                    Source: jamesf63_dftv85m@deviantart

Green Quirk part 5

Electrogravitic Space and Personal Vehicles: permanent solutions for a healthy environment

According to ‘Your Physicist’, Electrogravitics is a concept that combines elements of electromagnetism and gravity. It is a field of study that explores the possibility of manipulating gravity through electrical charges. The concept has been around since the early 20th century [an effect discovered by Thomas Townsend Brown in the 1920s], but it gained significant attention during the 1950s and 1960s due to various claims and experiments related to anti-gravity.

Electrogravitics is based on the idea that gravity is a result of the curvature of space-time caused by the presence of matter. According to Einstein’s theory of general relativity, the gravitational force is proportional to the mass of an object. Electrogravitics, on the other hand, posits that it is possible to modify the curvature of space-time using electrical charges, which can in turn affect the gravitational force.” 

This blog is about one of the most interesting and intriguing inventions, and controversial inventors’ that exists in the public domain, Otis T. Carr and his working prototypes, the free-energy electrogravitic propulsion crafts. His craft should not be confused with UFOs or UAPs which are covertly connected to the military-industrial complex and off-world entities and have no direct connection with the public.

Carr had no real formal education and dropped out of school when he was 13 years old, according to his interview with KTTV's Paul Coats in 1960. His keen interest in the sciences, especially physics, led him to spend many hours in the libraries of Columbia University, the New York University Physics Library, and other libraries. While self-educating, he worked in a hotel as a desk clerk in Manhattan. He met Tesla in 1925 and had many meetings discussing electricity, electrical power, and induction coils. According to Ralph Ring one of Carr’s original technicians, scientists, and test pilots, because of Carr’s interest in physics and his ability to grasp what Tesla was telling him, he saw him as a hopeful to pass his knowledge of free-energy and electrogravitic ideas to a different generation.   Tesla felt he failed to implement those ideas because the time wasn’t right. Carr’s relationship lasted until Tesla’s death in 1943.

Carr along with a Yale physics graduate for a period of two and half years before WWII established a lab and through experimentation and research were able to, as Carr mentioned in the 1960 interview, “electrifying a wheel and put it into the air”. From their research, they produced an electrically powered device and with the combination of three forces, electromagnetic, gravity, and electromotive they produced an effect on the craft causing it to become independent of the earth’s gravity. Carr thought there had to be an easier way of getting into space besides using complex and cumbersome rockets, and was inspired by the father of modern rocketry and aeronautics and saucerian, Dr. Hermann Oberth’s comment, if man goes into space it would be by an electrically powered craft, circular in design, protected by an electrical wind (force field, according to Carr). Carr reasoned that space travel was simple and where there is a force field a ship can travel in absolute comfort without friction. Carr also consulted with Albert Einstein on linear correlations in geometric forms and space-time relationships.

A patent application was filed for the spacecraft in 1949 but could only be granted if the craft was anchored to the ground. Carr agreed to file the patent as an amusement craft.   In 1955 he founded OTC Enterprises in Baltimore, MD where he began to raise money to develop the saucer-shaped OTC-X1 prototype. He had shown his plans to America’s largest aircraft company in 1952, indicating possibilities but nothing materialized. Later he met with the US Dept of Commerce, Baltimore Better Business Bureau, and in 1957 the Department of Defence with Brigadier General Conway where everyone showed interest but wanted to see a working model and not plans.

In 1958 he moved to Oklahoma City to build a 45-foot stationary craft at an amusement park ($35,000), and a 6-foot model ($60,000) to be flight-tested while still raising money through the stock exchange to secure funds for his projects. It is in Oklahoma City where Carr started to receive difficulties with the Security Exchange Commission and the negative reporting that followed him. In the 1960 interview with KTTV, he mentioned it had nothing to do with dark forces interfering with his projects. Here is an exert from “The Ring of Truth” of the events Carr had planned in Oklahoma City;

On April 15, 1959, a ‘launch event’ was held in Oklahoma City with hundreds of people in attendance.  They were told that a prototype disk would rise 400 to 600 feet off the ground.  After several hours delay, an announcement was made that the saucer launch was being postponed due to ‘badly engineered bearings.’  Actually, Otis Carr had been admitted to a hospital with a lung hemorrhage.

.Major Wayne Aho, a former Army Combat Intelligence Officer during World War II, announced that he would pilot the craft to the Moon on December 7, 1959.  The trip would take 5 hours and that the craft would remain in orbit for 7 days before returning.  On June 2, 1960, Carr told an audience of 300 people that it was a ‘treacherous misstatement of fact to say or infer that we [OTC Enterprises] are coming to California to raise money in stock sales.’  The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission [1959 while still in Oklahoma City] had placed an injunction against Carr, barring him from selling stock.  Soon, negative publicity appeared in various publications stating he was a conman.’  True Magazine called him a ‘hoaxer.’”

OTC technicians had meticulously built six OTC-X1 prototypes following Carr’s instructions ranging in size from 1-foot to 6-feet based on the research with his lab partner before WWII. They successfully tested (levitated) and one, the 6-foot model, disappeared into thin air and was never recovered. In 1957-1958 the results of the working models were independently validated by a west coast lab (he didn't say which lab). The central power core of the crafts is a free-energy electrical accumulator (UTRON) while at the same time creating an electromotive force. The electromotive force coils are regenerative coils regenerating the battery. The thermal barrier is overcome by an electromagnetic field that sets up a protective shield around the craft and once outside the atmosphere, it can accelerate to velocities up to the speed of light. Air pressure is maintained artificially similar to that in a submarine. The craft creates its own gravitational field by counter-rotating the electromagnets and the capacitor plates with the crew compartment remaining stationary.

Carr was very reserved with his information in interviews but Ralph Ring one of Carr’s original surviving technicians, scientists, and test pilots, was more open about his experiences with Carr, his dealings, criminal elements trying to put him out of business, and flying the OTC-X1 craft. It’s here where it gets interesting.

Ring had a job with Advanced Kinetics under the direction of Dr. Weinhart. He was a newly hired employee working on a magnetic project which involved taking pictures with a high-speed camera of an electron shot through a field without deflecting either positive or negative. It was an extensive and expensive process funded by taxpayer money. Ring had some knowledge of how nature works and began to question the logic of this whole process and concluded the electrons were being forced using brute force that’s why they kept deflecting. Ring decided to do this experiment at home. He went to garage sales collected the equipment he needed and started to experiment on a smaller scale than with what he was doing at work. He began pulsing the electrons allowing them to go where they wanted to go and to his amazement they went through without deflecting. The process was very simple.

The next bench over from his Advanced Kinetics bench they were working on levitation. The project involved coils with an iron core and copper wiring. Steel balls were placed on top and when high voltage was passed through they would levitate for a few minutes before the coil burned out. This was also an expensive process at $400 (late 1950s) a coil. Ring went home found some equipment at a garage sale and did some experiments using acoustics instead of electromagnetic coils. With a 15-inch woofer and a frequency of around 28,000 cycles, he had a ping-pong ball levitating for several hours before unplugging the unit. Again, this was very easy and simple. Being excited thinking they might give him a raise he documented the experiments he did at home as he did at work and presented it to Dr. Weinhart.

Dr. Weinhart closed the door Come in. Sit down." He looked it all over and stuff and he said, "Yeah, I know it's that simple, Ralph. I know that. I know that. But this is a government-funded research facility. We count on the funds to keep us going. We're not necessarily interested right now in finding the answers. We're interested in looking for them [emphasis added]. And we get paid handsomely for looking for the answers." And I said, "Well, here, look. This works. I mean, maybe I don't know what I'm doing and maybe it's not right, but I thought if I turned it over to the boys here we can come together. And this a lot simpler than $400 a copy for igliotrons [coils] and wasting our time with the cathode [tube used to follow the electrons] that you've got set up." And he said, "I can appreciate what you've come up with. And I didn't think you'd get there this fast with this because of your interest in natural law but I'm gonna have to shred this." (He had a shredder right there.) "I'm gonna have to shred this and tell you to go back to work on what you were doing." Well, right there my whole world collapsed. I mean... I thought, "Where am I?"” Exert from Project Camelot, Ralph Ring: Interview transcript.  Shortly thereafter, three guys in black suits (Men In Black types) showed up at his door claiming to be from the DeWalt School of Electronics. They wanted to know everything about the experiments he did at home. Ring's wife didn’t trust them and kicked them out of the house. Ring left Advanced Kinetics after a couple of weeks and was introduced to a group called ‘understanding’ founded by Daniel Fry. It was through this group in the late 1950s-early 1960s Ring met Carr and, Carr received new funding from this group for a self-contained lab to continue developing the OTC-X1 prototype at Hespeniain in Apple Valley, CA.

Carr had to be careful where he went. He already had assassination attempts on his life and they were doing everything to keep him from building his prototypes and spaceship. Ring describes his experience with the first experiment in the new lab, a 2-3-foot diameter craft. When started up, the craft made very little noise, just a hum. It was of aluminum (T6 aluminum) construction. Ring could feel surface vibration. Increasing the energy created a feeling that someone had just opened the door to let in a cool breeze. When he touched the craft again it was like jello, getting soft to a point where he could insert his entire hand but, unlike jello, nothing stuck to his hand. There was a tingling feeling that everyone in the room felt.

Carr, Ring and two other associates met with a representative of General Motors in Riverside who they invited to California to discuss their revolutionary ideas.  He was impressed with what he heard during a telephone conversation with Carr and wanted to hear more. At the meeting, Carr had a small disk levitating on the desk that the GM rep’s engineers and physicists studied. They also checked Carr, Ring and the two associates for remote devices and after about 30 minutes were convinced that there was something they didn’t understand but it was working. They said they couldn’t accept it because it's defying known physics. Carr mentioned we can now levitate these machines minimizing damage to the ecosystem. Beginning with the automobile everything could be set up within a year. Eventually, homes and cities can be levitated. There is no end to what could be done. The vehicles would be self-sufficient drawing free-energy with no maintenance. The GM rep got very aggressive saying this will put automotive people out of work. Carr told him freedom from servitude would give people a chance to develop their full potential and become beautiful beings with unlimited creativity. The rep heard enough and told Carr not to go any further with this, and that if he put any of them up there we would shoot them down.

By now Carr was aware he didn’t have much time left before they invaded and closed the lab. The decision was made to ramp up the prototype production and the 45-foot model working 24/7 until the project was completed. One of the biggest challenges they faced was developing a protocol needed to introduce the electrogravity free-energy space or personal craft concept to the public and achieve this before they got shut down.

Carr and his associates built the six prototypes of different dimensions as mentioned earlier, and a 45-foot craft to be test flown with people inside. Ring recalls when they were testing the 6-foot craft he was about to put his hand into it when it disappeared into another dimension. They had no idea where it went and was lost. According to Carr, this was a common occurrence in Tesla’s lab where things would disappear. The 45-foot craft was also completed and could comfortably accommodate three people.

Carr still wanted to do a live demonstration of his 45-foot spacecraft but before that could happen it needed to be tested first. It was this 45-foot craft that Major Wayne Aho was to fly to the moon and remain in orbit for seven days before returning. On the test day, Ring and three others were to climb aboard go down range 10 miles and come back. Carr told the crew before departing to clear their mind, that it would be a strange experience. The brain won’t comprehend what is happening. Use your mind, feelings, and heart, and meditate and go into a focus point to your highest thoughts and feelings rather than worry about what is going on.

They boarded the craft and in the middle of the craft off-centre was a small crystal ball in a gyroscopic holder with a laser shining through from the bottom breaking the colour spectrum into different colours. How Carr communicated to his crew on the craft is unknown. They were told to choose aquamarine as they were collectively focused on the centre point within themselves. The craft was already at the zero gravity point with no contact with Earth [move over Elon Musk-Starship]. Just then the ball closed down focusing on aquamarine. Carr mentioned it was their focus that produced the effect, a mental synergy between the craft and the operators [step aside Elon Musk-Neurolink]. Ring recalls they were waiting for the craft to move and nothing happened. Carr told them to get out and they were actually in the aquamarine area 10 miles downrange from where they initially started. Carr asked the crew to pick up rocks, grass, or anything and put it into their pockets because when they come back they wouldn’t remember where they’d been. They were told to board and come back and go into debriefing.

The crew thought the test didn’t work but when Carr asked them to check their pockets they had rocks, grass, and whatever else they could find; however, no memory. Why? In the excerpt from Project Camelot, Ralph Ring: Interview transcript; Ring paraphrases Carr’s explanation, “'s simple. Your brain is there to operate your body. You're in a vessel here. It's an illusionary vessel that people don't realize because we're creating it in microseconds. From one second to the other these shutters [eye lids] are opening and shutting, creating all this reality you see around you, but it doesn't really exist. It's all spirit. It's all energy, but we're creating it..... Your brain has a capacity limit. It goes to a certain point of its responsibility and unless it's in touch with the [ Greater] Mind, unless it consents to be in touch with the [Greater] Mind....Unless it gets in touch with that, it doesn't know what's goin' on.” Then there was the time aspect. The crew thought they were gone for 15 minutes but actually, it was only a few seconds. Again Ring paraphrases Carr, “"Well, like, it's simple. People don't realize that Man in a sense created time. Time doesn't exist, in essence. It does when we create it and we have a beginning and an end to something. We call that time. But in a greater reality there is no time."The crew’s memory did come back sometime later when they remember getting out and picking up rocks, grass, and other items.

To sum up the craft’s operation capabilities from Carr and Ring’s description, once it reached a zero gravity point it was free from the Earth’s gravity. It began to synergistically interphase with the crew’s higher universal intelligence. This means the craft is operating in the quantum levels of physics at a much higher frequency coupled to the universal intelligence where the laws of classical physics no longer apply. It had no mechanical steering mechanism only the collective mind of the crew. Aquamarine was an arbitrary colour symbol chosen by Carr that was attached to the distance 10-miles down range. This symbol further connected the crew to the craft creating a focal point enhancing a desire. The craft couldn’t move independently because it needed a motive or desire. The crew held the desire or motive to go 10-miles down range, and the craft moved in that direction and landed as was desired. The crew had the desire to go back when ordered back by Carr and the craft followed their command. Much like the soul animating its physical body. Very enlightened yogis in India’s ancient Vedic Tradition have been known to levitate, disappear and reappear, and travel to distant worlds when the Grand Universal Mind, the Absolute, and the physical body are one. Everything in the universe is vibrating at a certain frequency and it’s tapping into these frequencies that creates the desired effect. It’s like a receiver tuning into a radio station. The craft was state-of-the-art and required an evolved intelligence to understand its operational capabilities. And no, Carr and Tesla were not aliens they were humans like you and me.

Everyone was quite excited, and the test was successful. Within two weeks after the test, government agents (possibly the US Army) showed up at gunpoint with a cease and desist order to shut the lab down and confiscate the spacecraft. In the debriefing, they were accused of threatening to overthrow the monetary system of the US which was a National Security issue [emphasis added] and they were no longer allowed, under no uncertain terms, to talk to Carr. Ring was convinced and had some evidence that the order to take down the lab came from the international banking system in London, UK. He doesn’t remember signing anything, but agents were watching.

Carr went into seclusion with his health rapidly declining after the lab and equipment confiscation, and died in September 1982 at 78. His spaceship was treated like a captured alien craft and secreted away at an underground air force base. Some people speculate it’s resting at S-4 or Area-51. Ring tried to carry Carr’s work forward but found it difficult without any support. He died in 2022 at 88. 

Tesla, Carr, and those who worked with these physics electrical engineers were ahead of their time and misunderstood by the public and their peers. They were quantum physicists who actualized quantum principles in the building of their physical models and prototypes.

Green Quirk part 1 Introduction

Green Quirk part 2 Radiation Remediation and Thorium Reactors

Green Quirk part 3 Over Unity/Free Energy

Green Quirk part 4 Internal Combustion Engine Efficiency

Green Quirk part 5 Electrogravitic Space and Personal Vehicles

Green Quirk part 6 Water Electrolysis and Hydrogen

    Otis Carr’s OTC-X1 Spacecraft.                                                                                               Source: Ralph Ring Website

    Carr’s 45-foot spacecraft.                                                                                                               Source: Project Camelot

          Carr is holding a UTRON in his hand.                                                                                Source: Tesla Telegraph

Schematics of the OTC-X1 spacecraft. The UTRONs are the ice cream cone structures with large ends placed together. Source: Project Camelot

    The Jetsons                                                                                                                                                  Source: Pinterest


  1. Carr, Otis T.; Utron; Rex Research; Otis T.Carr: The Utron Electrical Accumulator ~ Articles, Model Construction Plans, US Patent # 2,912,244 &c...; Site accessed 1-31-2025.

  2. Cheriton, Jake; Otis Carr After meeting Tesla Invented Anti-Gravity Spacecraft & Free Energy Device; Tesla Telegraph; April 20, 2022; Otis Carr After meeting Tesla Invented Anti-Gravity Spacecraft & Free Energy Device - Tesla telegraph; Site accessed 2-4-2025.

  3. Coates, Paul V.; Carr, Otis T.; (1960) Otis T. Carr All Set To Send Man To Moon; Internet Archive; (1960) Otis T. Carr All Set To Send Man To Moon : Paul V. Coates, Otis T. Carr : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive; Site accessed 2-2-2025.

  4. Carr, Otis T;  Kook Science Research Hatch; Otis T. Carr - Kook Science; Site accessed 2-2-2025.

  5. Carr, Otis T; UTRON-Interview: "Long John" Nebel (WOR Radio, NY) with Otis Carr, et al. (1959);; Otis T.Carr: The Utron Electrical Accumulator ~ Articles, Model Construction Plans, US Patent # 2,912,244 &c...; Site accessed 2-3-2025. 

  6. DeviantArt; DeviantArt - The Largest Online Art Gallery and Community; Site accessed 2-1-2025.

  7. Gladych, Michael; The G-Engines Are Coming!; Young Men, The Magazine For Tomorrow’s Technicians and Engineers; November 1956; THE-G-ENGINES-ARE-COMING-by-Michael-Gladych-Young-Men-November-1956.pdf; Site accessed 2-3-2025.

  8. Hermann Oberth Quotes; AZ Quotes; TOP 12 QUOTES BY HERMANN OBERTH | A-Z Quotes; Site accessed 2-3-2025.

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  10. KnewWays; YouTube-Ralph Ring Knewways interview; June 27, 2012; Ralph Ring knewways interview; Site accessed 2-4-2025.

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  12. Oberth, Hermann; The Electric Spaceship, By Nermann Oberth;; HermannOberth.pdf; Site accessed 2-3-2025.

  13. Ralph Ring: Interview transcript; Aquamarine Dreams: Ralph Ring and Otis T Carr A video interview with Ralph Ring Las Vegas, August 2006; Project Camelot; Project Camelot _ Ralph Ring transcript.pdf; Site accessed 2-4-2025.

  14. Ralph Ring and Otis Carr; Aquamarine Dreams; Project; August 2006; Las Vegas, NV; Project Camelot | Ralph Ring and Otis Carr; Site accessed 2-3-2025.

  15. Ralph Ring’s Website; Blue Star Enterprie; Ralph Ring's Website and Ralph Ring's Website » Videos; Site accessed 2-3-2025.

  16. Rex Research: Rex Research Archives Home Page; Site accessed 2-4-2025.

  17. Robinson, David; The Ring of Truth Interview with a man who flew a real saucer by Doug Yurchey; American Patriot Email Reports; November 22, 2019; The Ring of Truth Interview with a man who flew a real saucer by Doug Yurchey | American Patriot Email Reports; Site accessed 2-4-2025.

  18. Terbo, William H.; The Hotel New Yourker-Tesla’s Residence (1934-1943); Tesla Universe; April 2003; The Hotel New Yorker - Tesla's Residence (1934-1943) | Tesla Universe; Site accessed 2-4-2025.

  19. Thorpe, James; YouTube-Otis T Carr Interview; November 6, 2021;; Site access 1-31-2025.

  20. Timaeus; YouTube-Project Camelot interviews Ralph Ring; June 11, 2016; (128083) Project Camelot interviews Ralph Ring – YouTube; Site accessed 1-31-2025.

  21. UFOs and mach 55: what did hermann oberth say in his 1954 lecture?; atmospheric lights; UFOs and Mach 55: What Did Hermann Oberth Say in His 1954 Lecture? - Atmospheric Lights; Site accessed 2-3-2025.

  22. Wikipedia; Electrogravitics; Last edited January 26, 2025; Electrogravitics – Wikipedia; Site accessed 2-2-2025.

  23. Wikipedia; Hermann Oberth; Last edited February 1, 2025; Hermann Oberth – Wikipedia; Site accessed 2-2-2025.

  24. Wikipedia; Long John Nebel; Last updated January 26, 2025; Long John Nebel – Wikipedia; Site accessed 2-3-2025.

  25. Wikipedia; Otis T. Carr; Last edited September 17, 2024: Otis T. Carr – Wikipedia; Site accessed 2-1-2025.

  26. Wikipedia; KTTV; KTTV – Wikipedia; Last edited January 18, 2024; Site accessed 2-2-2025.

  27. Wikipedia; Paul Coates; Paul Coates – Wikipedia; Last edited August 07, 2024; Site accessed 2-2-2025.

  28. Wikipedia; Wayne Sulo Aho; February 2, 2025; Wayne Sulo Aho – Wikipedia; Site accessed 2-4-2025.

  29. Your Physicist; How electrogravitics works in physics; How electrogravitics works in physics | Description, Example & Application; Site accessed 2-5-2025.

  30. Yurchey, Doug; Interview with a man who flew a real saucer; The Ring of Truth, interview with a man who flew a real saucer; Site accessed 2-4-2025.


Charles Kuss


Updated: 03-04-2025