Nikola Tesla sitting in his experimental station June 17, 1901, Colorado Springs, CO. Source: Make: Magazine
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Nikola Tesla (~1893)
“Electric power is everywhere present in unlimited quantities and can drive the world’s machinery without the need of coal, oil, gas, or any other of the common fuels.” Nikola Tesla (1892)
Green Quirk part 3
Over Unity/Free Energy: permanent solutions for a healthy environment
True over unity or free energy devices have been developed and proven to work for over 125 years. Some of these devices have produced enough electricity to permanently run a small business, factory, home or farm. There are hundreds of patents worldwide on these devices. The gadgets that work never make it out of the inventor’s research lab and into the public domain. The free energy patents and the unpatented devices that can be practically applied threaten the national security structure by replacing the current energy paradigm of fossil fuels, nuclear, and renewable energy. To protect this structure working devices that have merit are confiscated and the inventors are threatened or even murdered.
The free energy/over unity/zero-point energy/vacuum energy generators extract energy from fluctuations (resonating frequencies) in the quantum fields that give rise to residual energy in the ground state (stationary state of lowest energy-absolute zero) of a system. Resonant circuits are tuned to these fluctuations (frequencies) to harness this energy and convert it into usable electrical energy. This vacuum energy is all around us and throughout the universe.
There are numerous free-energy devices with a wide range of electrical outputs that potentially can be inserted into any electrical device. In this blog, I will only touch on three devices that have produced enough power to permanently run a home, electric vehicle (EV), small business, or farm. The devices are scaleable if more electrical energy is required, and they can be locally installed, like an appliance, without using today’s cumbersome electrical infrastructure.
In the 1930s Dr. Thomas Henry Moray of Salt Lake City, UT, a Tesla-inspired physicist, electrical engineer, and the father of modern electronics developed what he called a Radiant Energy Device. Moray demonstrated his device on many occasions on land, underground, air, and water leaving engineers and scientists flabbergasted. It took Moray 20 years and $200,000 (1936 dollars) of his own money to research, develop, and tweak the device. In 1936 Moray had developed a 55 lb (30kg) box with an input of 0 kW to produce a constant output of 50 kW. The device was denied a patent because it mentioned the Moray Valve, a germanium transistor, a cold tube solid-state electronic component unknown to the patent office at the time. The patent examiner didn’t see how it worked since the cathode in a conventional hot tube had no means of being heated. The device used a simple antenna, solid-state electronic circuitry, and specially designed cathode ray tubes. An interesting side note, the transistor was developed by Bell Laboratories 20 years later, and an even more interesting side note is that solid-state electronics were developed by the NAZIs and German electronic firms in the 1930s but that’s another story. It makes me wonder how Bell Laboratories got wind of their transistor since the victors (Allies and Soviets) got the spoils of WWII.
US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt ordered the Rural Electrification Administration (REA) to work with Moray. A controversy grew between the REA and Moray, and Moray felt the government engineers were trying to sabotage his work. The details are unclear but a REA engineer, Felix Frazer (possible Soviet spy), took a sledgehammer and smashed Dr. Moray’s only working device to pieces. Moray believed to his dying day that it was a communist plot for refusing to cooperate with the Soviet Union. The device was never rebuilt because of the expense involved, inflation, and the suppliers providing specific parts had gone out of business. Moray was left bankrupt. On March 2, 1940 Dr. Moray was wounded in his lab in a gun battle which his son, John, felt there was some kind of conspiracy at work. Dr. Moray’s fears and suspicions may have been well founded since Republican Representative Thomas D. Winter wanted a full-scale investigation of the REA because of the Soviet spy's infiltration who wanted complete disclosure of the materials and construction of the Radiant Energy Device. Dr. Moray severed his ties with the REA in February 1941. While working for the REA, Moray was paid $25.00/day. He died at 82 on May 18, 1974.
Floyd ‘Sparky’ Sweet was a college student when he earned his nickname Sparky at the General Electric (GE) plant where he worked. He had disconnected some wires resulting in an instrument exploding in a spectacular spray of sparks. Despite the incident, he had an intuitive gift for solving electrical problems and his extraordinary achievements in the field of electromagnets prompted GE to further his education by awarding him a scholarship to MIT. In 1968 he earned his MSEE from MIT and specialized in applied magnetic and transformer design for GE. In the mid-1970s he moved to Los Angeles, CA where he continued with GE as a consultant and enjoyed semi-retirement. When he fully retired in the 1980s he focused on his device, the Vacuum Triode Amplifier (VTA). Sweet had noticed that on rare occasions a self-oscillation effect occurred in electric transformers and felt that these oscillations could be useful in producing energy. The VTA consists of an assembly of magnets and wire coils where a tiny input of energy in microwatts is used to initiate shaking and disturb a magnet’s force field into perpetual motion creating an output of amplified vacuum energy in watts and megawatts. After some research, development, and tweaking a viable device emerged producing a stable power supply.
In 1987 Sweet’s final prototype was the most impressive and intriguing. The device was a solid-state gadget the size of a hand-held external hard drive. It was tested many times by his fellow researchers and continuously had an input of 0.3 milliwatts needed to jump-start the device and an output of 223,710 watts (223.71 kW), according to Dr. Steven Greer in his documentary “The Lost Century”. This stable output can easily run an EV, power a house, small business, or farm permanently without being tied to an electrical grid. After reading through the literature and watching videos there seems to be some discrepancy as to the output of the device. That’s probably because there were several versions built each with their own outputs confusing the readers and viewers.
The device was not independently verified but repeatedly tested by his main colleague, Lt. Col. Tom Bearden who was also a backer along with others who have tested and verified the device's operational capabilities. Sweet felt the independent verification would ‘snuff’ him out immediately. He frustrated his fellow researchers by keeping secret the most important process of how he conditioned the magnets at the heart of the VTA. Sweet didn’t want his ‘secret sauce’ stolen by unscrupulous people who would build their own without giving him credit. He was also concerned, not only for his life but mass rapid production of the device would upset the economy causing world markets to collapse. Similar to Moray the secrets that made the device work went to the grave along with the inventor. Researchers have tried to replicate the devices but failed to reproduce the original results.
As there was with Moray there was conspiracy afoot. Sparky was shot at but the assassin missed. His apartment was broken into and his notes stolen. After leaving a supermarket one day Sweet was accosted by a well-dressed gentleman who showed him a picture of him and his wife sitting in their dining room on the second floor of their apartment building. The gentleman walked Sweet to his apartment building and threatened him if he didn’t discontinue his research. After having been shown the photo Sparky kept getting death threats from payphones across the country. He died mysteriously from a heart attack after having a cup of coffee at 83. Hours later mysterious men claiming to be FBI in black vans confiscated all his equipment. Like with many of these inventors, there is some confusion surrounding his death, business affairs, and those who confiscated the equipment.
In 1931 Dr. Tesla [stand aside Elon Musk Tesla] had converted a Pierce-Arrow into an electric vehicle. Here is an excerpt from: “The Forgotten Art of Electric Powered Automobiles” by Arthur Abrom posted on’s website, Tesla Electric Car -- Miker Gamble retroengineering for Q.
“Tesla's Electric Car.....But, back to our electric automobiles -- in 1931, under the financing of Pierce-Arrow and George Westinghouse, a 1931 Pierce-Arrow was selected to be tested at the factory grounds in Buffalo, NY. The standard internal combustion engine was removed and an 80-hp 1800 rpm electric motor installed to the clutch and transmission. The AC motor measured 40 inches long and 30 inches in diameter and the power leads were left standing in the air -- no external power source!
the appointed time, Nikola Tesla arrived from New York City and
inspected the Pierce-Arrow automobile. He then went to a local
radio store and purchased a handful of tubes (12), wires and assorted
resistors. A box measuring 24 inches long, 12 inches wide and 6
inches high was assembled housing the circuit. The box was placed on
the front seat and had its wires connected to the air-cooled,
brushless motor. Two rods 1/4" in diameter stuck out of the box
about 3" in length.
Tesla got into the driver's seat, pushed the two rods in and stated,
"We now have power". He put the car into gear and it moved
forward! This vehicle, powered by an AC motor, was driven to
speeds of 90 mph. and performed better than any internal
combustion engine of its day! One week was spent testing the
vehicle. Several newspapers in Buffalo reported this test. When
asked where the power came from, Tesla replied, "From the ethers
all around us". Several people suggested that Tesla was mad and
somehow in league with sinister forces of the universe. He became
incensed, removed his mysterious box from the vehicle and returned to
his laboratory in New York City. His secret died with him!
is speculated that Nikola Tesla was able to somehow harness the
earth's magnetic field that encompasses our planet. And, he somehow
was able to draw tremendous amounts of power by cutting these lines
of force or causing them to be multiplied together. The exact nature
of his device remains a mystery but it did actually function by
powering the 80 hp AC motor in the Pierce Arrow at speeds up to 90
m.p.h. and no recharging was ever necessary!”
Another source from an unidentified document of the 1980s has more details of Tesla’s electric car, Tesla Electric Car -- Miker Gamble retroengineering for Q. This was an interview with Tesla’s nephew, Peter Savo. According to Peter, the clutch, brake, and manual gear shift were the same as with the gasoline version of the car. The speedometer was calibrated at 120 mph. The 12-volt Willard battery was mainly used for lights. There was also a six-foot antenna extending from the rear of the car. An ignition key started the car. Tesla mentioned the receiver that powered the car had enough reserve power to light up a whole house. Peter mentioned Tesla was very secretive about the car and didn’t answer some of his questions. After the eight days of testing in Buffalo, Tesla was pleased with the results. He removed the ignition key and radio tubes and left the car at a secluded farmhouse 20 miles from Buffalo. How the receiver worked remains a mystery.
Wikipedia which has known deliberate disinformation and omissions, and connections to the CIA considers Tesla’s electric car a hoax although they doubt the entry as possibly not meeting their general notability guideline. It's not surprising if disinformation has been disseminated to discredit his free-energy electric car.
Tesla near the end of his life was treated very much like many of the gifted free energy innovators. The media often painted him as suffering from paranoia, but they never mentioned his real enemies with real agendas that were not in Tesla’s best interests. Although Tesla had 300 patents worldwide, he did believe in technology sharing and believed that technological advancements should benefit humanity as a whole and not be restricted by patents and commercial interests. He died poor on January 7, 1943, at 86 in the Hotel New Yorker. People and corporations profited handsomely from his inventions and took credit for his innovations with little compensation to him.
Free energy can easily be introduced to the public by starting with electric vehicles (EV). These devices would make every EV permanently electrically self-sufficient and provide reliable hazel-free transportation. The EV can also serve as a power plant for camping, mobile homes, and job sites, and as a backup power supply during power outages for your home.
Green Quirk part 1 Introduction
Green Quirk part 2 Radiation Remediation and Thorium Reactors
Green Quirk part 3 Over Unity/Free Energy
Green Quirk part 4 Internal Combustion Engine Efficiency
Green Quirk part 5 Electrogravitic Space and Personal Vehicles
Green Quirk part 6 Water Electrolysis and Hydrogen
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1931 Pierce Arrow sedan, similar to the one driven by Tesla. Source: Serious Wheels |
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Source: AZ Quotes |
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Wikipedia doubts the entry as possibly not meeting their general notability guideline. |
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Floyd Sweet’s free-energy device. Source: The Lost Century documentary |
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Source: unknown |
AZ Quotes; Nikola Tesla Quotes; TOP 25 QUOTES BY NIKOLA TESLA (of 187) | A-Z Quotes; Site accessed 1-26-2025.
Bearden, T.E. Lt. Col; T. Henry Moray; SVP Wiki; May 13, 2024; Sympathetic Vibratory Physics | T. Henry Moray; Site accessed 1-26-2025.
Bottomless Bay; Nikola Tesla’s electric car; May 26, 2014; Nikola Tesla's electric car; Site accessed 1-26-2025.
D. Miran; Nikola Tesla’s Wireless Electric Automobile-Explained;; June 9, 2016; (12) Nikola Tesla's Wireless Electric Automobile- Explained | LinkedIn; Site accessed 1-28-2025.
Elswick, Steven; Niola Tesla’s Electric Car-Folklore...Or Historical Fact?; April 2003; Nikola Tesla's Electric Car - Folklore... or Historical Fact? | Tesla Universe; Site accessed 1-28-2025.
Greer, Steven Dr.; et al; YouTube-PopNet: The Lost Century; October 24, 2024; The Lost Century | Full Documentary; Site accessed 1-1-2025.
Hogan, Timothy; Zohar Ancient History; Nikola Tesla is Not Who You Think | Secrets of the Knights Templar S1EP4; YouTube; October 9, 2024;; Site accessed 3-4-2025.
Hutchison, John; Nikola Tesla;; January 28, 2025;; Site accessed 1-28-2025.
Kincaid, Paul W. Editor; Press Core; The 1931 Pierce-Arrow electric motor car that got its energy from thin air; December 13, 2013; The 1931 Pierce-Arrow electric motor car that got its energy from thin air. | PRESS Core; Site accessed 1-28-2025.
Magnetic Power Generation; Exploring the Mechanics of Zero-Point Energy Generators; Green Life Zen; April 23, 2024; Exploring the Mechanics of Zero-Point Energy Generators; Site accessed 1-26-2025.
Manning, Jeane; Vacuum Triode Amplifier-Floyd Sweet; NARKIVE Newsgroup Archive-sci.physics; 2010; Vacuum triode amplifier - Floyd Sweet or Vacuum triode amplifier - Floyd Sweet; Site accessed 1-26-2025.
NuEnergy, staff; Radiant Energy: Not Generator, Atomic, Nor Solar; January 31, 2013; Radiant energy: not Generator, Atomic, nor Solar | NuEnergy; Site accessed 1-26-2025.
Potential Energy; Overunity: Floyd Sweet’s VTA Unit; August 17,2021; Overunity: Floyd Sweet's VTA Unit | Potential Energy; Site accessed 1-28-2025.
Sweet, Floyd A.; Space Quanta Magnifier (Vacuum Triode Amplifier);; Floyd Sweet: Space Quanta Magnifier / Vacuum Triode Amplifier ~ Collected papers, diagrams, photos & videos; Site accessed 1-26-2025.
Rex Research; Inventor Index/Subject Index;; Rex Research -- Inventor Index and Rex Research Archives Home Page; Site accessed 1-26-2025.
Tesla, Nikola; Electric Car;; Tesla Electric Car -- Miker Gamble retroengineering for Q; Site accessed 1-26-2025.
The Tom Bearden Website; The Moray Radiant Energy Device; The Tom Bearden Website; Site accessed 1-26-2025.
Wikipedia; Ground state; September 3, 2024; Ground state – Wikipedia; Site accessed 1-26-2025.
Wikipedia; List of Nikola Tesla Patents; June 9, 2024; List of Nikola Tesla patents – Wikipedia; Site accessed 1-28-2025.
Wikipedia; Thomas D. Winter; December 7, 2024; Thomas D. Winter – Wikipedia; Site accessed 1-26-2025.
Charles Kuss
Updated: 03-04-2025